Morning Light – Exodus 38

[Exodus 38] Outer Court Access Brings Inner Court Glory. In this chapter, the account of fashioning the Tabernacle of Moses continues. Bezaleel builds the Altar of Burnt Offering, the Laver for Washing, and other things that speak to us of the sacrifice of Christ and the place of His word to wash the believer in […]


Morning Light – Exodus 37

[Exodus 37] The Furnishing of the Holy of Holies. In this chapter we observe Bezaleel as he constructs the Ark of the Covenant, the Table of Shewbread, the Lampstand, and the Altar of Incense. Each of these articles represent something of the work of redemption that Christ wrought for us on the Cross and also […]


Morning Light – Exodus 36

[Exodus 36] . In this chapter Bezaleel and his helper, Aholiab commence the project of building the Tabernacle, it’s furnishings, and the priestly garments. For New Testament believers, the Tabernacle foreshadows who we are in Christ, and our connection to the broader scope of the Kingdom in our relationship to the community of faith called […]


Morning Light – Exodus 35

[Exodus 35] God Wants You Willing, Rested, and Wise. In this chapter, the resources to construct the Tabernacle are gathered, and the people set to work under the supervision of Bezaleel, God’s master craftsman. The opening verses of this time of working and gathering begin with a strong emphasis on the Sabbath lest the people […]


Morning Light – Exodus 34

[Exodus 34] Living with an Unveiled Face. In this chapter, Moses returns for a sixth and final time to the top of the mountain to meet with God. He remains there without food or water for 40 days, and upon his return, his face shines with supernatural glory. What does this tell us about the […]


Morning Light – Exodus 33

[Exodus 33] Show Me Your Glory. In this chapter, God offers to send the people into the land of promise – but refuses to go with them. The people genuinely repent, and God agrees to accompany them. In the aftermath of these events, Moses desires to see God’s face and experiences, perhaps the most profound […]


Morning Light – Exodus 32

[Exodus 32] The People Choose the Golden Calf. In this chapter, Moses delays returning from Sinai, and the people fall into sin, worshipping a golden calf to take them back to Egypt. For us, this is an example of what idolatry is in a modern sense and a warning to stand fast in times of […]


Morning Light – Exodus 31

[Exodus 31] Bazaleel, Filled with the Spirit. In our chapter, God appoints a master craftsman named Bezaleel to coordinate the Tabernacle fabrication and the articles therein. Bezaleel is filled with the Spirit to enable him to do the work. What is the difference between this man being filled with the Spirit under the Old Covenant […]


Morning Light – Exodus 30

[Exodus 30] The Incense of Prayer and Oil of the Anointing: In this chapter, Moses is instructed regarding the fashion of the Altar of Incense and the ingredients of the anointing oil. The incense speaks of the prayer life of the believer and the intercession of Christ. The oil is a type of the anointing […]


Morning Light – Exodus 29

[Exodus 29] Standing at the Door Who is Jesus. In chapter 29, Moses is instructed to stand with Aaron and his sons at the door of the Tabernacle and to prepare them to enter and serve before God and the people. They will be washed, sprinkled, anointed, and clothed, all of which represent what Jesus […]