Breakthrough Prophetic Word for July 2020

Breakthrough Word for July 2020: My Promise is Reaching a Saturation Point in Your Life! The Father says today to get ready for a backlog outpouring of My glory in your life! July is a month of explosive goodness and radical favor in the things that are before you. Do you want to believe the […]


Breakthrough Prophetic Word for June 2020 (Video)

Hello! This is Russ and Kitty Walden with Father’s Heart Ministry. Below you will find the Breakthrough Word for June 2020 from Father’s Heart Ministry. See the video below and the transcription following: Transcription: The Father says today I am bringing you to rest on the threshing floor of My purposes. I am sitting on […]


Breakthrough Prophetic Word for May (Video)

Breakthrough Prophetic Word for May 2020 The Father says today I am keeping you safe in the Secret Place of Most High. Regardless of what medical science says or what the financial analyst says, keep your mind stayed on Me. As nations tremble and men shake and shudder, know that you are hidden in the […]


Breakthrough Word for May 2020

Prophet Russ Walden brings a prophetic word for the month of May 2020. The monthly Breakthrough Prophetic Word is sponsored by Father’s Heart Ministry. Visit us at


Breakthrough Word for April 2020 (Video)

The Breakthrough Word for April 2020:   Prophet Russ Walden brings a powerful prophetic word for the month of April 2020. The breakthrough word is an alignment word, bringing your faith into the pattern of “as in heaven so on earth.” This month, Prophet Russ by the word of the Lord addresses the COVID-19 crisis […]


Breakthrough Word for March 2020

Hello! This is Russ and Kitty Walden with Father’s Heart Ministry. Below you will find the Breakthrough Word for March 2020 from Father’s Heart Ministry. The Father says today I am your inoculation from every disease and every virus. Vaccinate yourself with My word. Immunize yourself with My promise. Though a thousand fall at your […]


Breakthrough Word for February 2020

Prophet Russ Walden with Father’s Heart Ministry gives a prophetic word over the United States and Western Europe. A sea change is coming! God is blowing with His wind! This word will encourage and empower you for what ahead in the outpouring of God’s Spirit.


Breakthrough Prophetic Word for December 2019 (Video)

The Father says today you are moving forward and not backward in this season and at this time. You have seen victories, and you know what it is to experience My greatness in the most difficult of circumstances. My declaration to you is that the highest mountains you have conquered in life thus far are […]


Breakthrough Word for November 2019

This is the breakthrough prophetic word for November 2019 from Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden. It is our honor the wash your feet in the prophetic. We want to be the prophets in your life!


Breakthrough Prophetic Word for November 2019 (Video)

Breakthrough Prophetic Word  for November 2019:   See Transcription Below: The Father says today this is a season of complete debt liquidation and cancellation for you. My favor rests on your life to bring about financial release and financial freedom. The chains and fetters of lack, debt, and bondage to lenders is at an end. […]