Breakthrough Word for November 2021

Step Into the Fail-Safe Zone in God’s Kingdom – TODAY! The Father says today welcome to the FAIL SAFE ZONE in My kingdom and in My glory. Love never fails, says the Father for in love you will know what it is to excel and succeed at what you put your hand to beyond anything […]


Breakthrough Prophetic Word for October 2021

This is the Hour to Engage by Acts of Audacity in God’s Kingdom and the Full Destiny He Promised You The Father says I am bringing you into headship. I’ve seen the warfare you’ve faced, and I know you feel as though the enemy gained the upper hand at times. Know this – that as you […]


Breakthrough Prophetic Word, September 2021

Promotion and Increase are Cresting Over your Life at this Moment The Father says, the breaker anointing of promotion and increase is cresting over your life at this moment. The challenges and difficulties around you are yielding, and My power is coming online, bringing change and total transformation. I am all about yoke easy and […]


Breakthrough Prophetic Word, August 2021

I Am Coming for My Children says the Father The enemy has spouted off that he is coming for your children. NO! I Am coming for your children, says the Father of lights. I am coming for My children, My lights, My young ones, and they shall be a generation like none other before them. I […]


Breakthrough Prophetic Word July 2021 – Let Freedom Ring!

I hear the cries of the nations of the earth. I hear the cries to walk in liberty and freedom from all the bonds of the enemy. It is for freedom that Christ has come to set men free. I have come to break every chain that binds you. I have come to set the […]


Breakthrough Prophetic Word for June 2021

The Power of God is Being Unwrapped and Released Through You The Father says there is a gift within you that I am unwrapping. It has been hidden away until this hour and this season so that none will ever say it is man’s doing. Nay for it is My doing and yet it has been […]


Breakthrough Word for November 2020

Your Prayers are Policing the Heavens! The Father says today never lay down in a battle zone. Never take your eyes off the mark of the prize of the high calling that I have destined you to. You will not come to failure. You will not falter or be impacted in any way by the […]


Breakthrough Word for October 2020

The Father says today no more second best! This is your moment for going first-class all the way! The battle is on, and you are coming out of captivity into increase, acceleration, and promotion. Man will not be able to take credit for what I am doing in your life in October, says God. Chains […]


Breakthrough Prophetic Word for September 2020

Breakthrough Word for September 2020: Receive Today a Fresh Draught of Favor and the Vintage of My Spirit Says God! Receive Today a Fresh Draught of Favor and the Vintage of My Spirit Says God! The Father says to you enter into the intoxication of My glory this day, says God. The Father says, today, […]


Breakthrough Word for August 2020

The Father Says I am Shaking the Earth and Bringing Deliverance into Your Life!   The Father says today when the oil from the Deep Water Horizon disappeared from the Gulf of Mexico, the environmentalists who said it would be dead zone attributed it to just somehow disappearing into the sea. Carnal minds never want […]