Breakthrough Prophetic Word for May 2013 (Video)

The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for May 2013 the Father declares the implication of the ressurection of Christ for you personally! Fear NOT! He is RISEN!   [vsw id=”FA6oKzq6ZQY” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]


Breakthrough Word for April 2013 (Video)

The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for April 2013 the Father opens a way for you where there seemed to be no way forward. The sky isn’t falling – the KINGDOM is COMING!   [vsw id=”yz8ESJHLgfc” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]


The Breakthrough Prophetic Word for March 2013 (VIDEO)

The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for March 2013 the Father steps back through time to rewrite your destiny and assure your breakthrough. [vsw id=”NrVg_T7wZzM” source=”youtube” width=”525″ height=”444″ autoplay=”no”] The Father says that the waters of transgression that are overflowing the world around you will not sweep you […]


Breakthrough Prophetic Word February 2013 (VIDEO)

The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for February 2013 the Father steps back through time to rewrite your destiny and assure your breakthrough. [vsw id=”RWkev5Py-lM” source=”youtube” width=”625″ height=”544″ autoplay=”no”] The Father says that the dwelling place of My glory within you is marked as “CONTENTS UNDER PRESSURE”. Greater […]


Breakthrough Word for January 2013 (Video)

The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for January 2013 the Father steps back through time to rewrite your destiny and assure your breakthrough. The Father says that the governments of the earth are throwing the freedoms of their people under the bus but I am coming to your […]


December 2012 Breakthrough Prophetic Word (VIDEO)

The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for December 2012 the Father steps back through time to rewrite your destiny and assure your breakthrough.   [youtube=] The Father says today that AS I AM so are you in your life. AS I AM so are YOU in the earth […]


Breakthrough Prophetic Word for November 2012

The Father says that limitation, impediment, restriction and boundary is being removed from your life and being replaced by My limitless, boundless grace. I see bones falling in the wilderness. I see an angel in front of me like a painter before an easel. Allow Me to paint your life in the pigments of My […]


Breakthrough Prophetic Word for October 2012

The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for October 2012 the Father steps back through time to rewrite your destiny and assure your breakthrough. The Father wants to release a word to you today. This word will bring the shift and initiate the breakthrough you have petitioned Him for. […]


Breakthrough Prophetic Word September 2012

Breakthrough Word for September 2012 The Father says that I am not bound by history or by the past. The past does not reign in sovereignty over Me on the contrary I reign in sovereignty over TIME and ETERNITY. As a garment I am rolling up the marred tapestry of the past in your life […]