Can the Gifts of the Spirit be Taught?

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Can the Gifts of the Spirit be Taught?

In the Old Testament, there were schools of the prophets endorsed by both Elijah and Elisha. Can you learn to prophesy? Can the gifts of God be taught? Many believe absolutely not! Is this correct? Can gifts be imparted and perfected in a training environment? The answer may surprise you:

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Students gathered in these internship settings to sit at the feet of great prophets such as Elijah and Elisha. These learners acknowledged the gifting of Elijah and Elisha and they understood that sitting at the feet of a prophet brought impartation and activation that couldn’t be experienced any other way (see 2 Kings 2:15). In these schools of the prophets, there were prophetic words, miracles and even resurrections from the dead! The prophetic schools of the Old Testament were exciting places to learn how to walk in gifting and power from God!
In the New Testament, Paul began his ministry in the company of prophets and teachers who activated him in his apostolic calling (See Acts 13:1-4). As Paul’s ministry continued, he taught extensively about cultivating the gifts as something that could be imparted, taught and released into the lives of those who had a passion, a zeal for the prophetic gifts and callings (See 2 Tim. 1:6 and 1 Cor. 14:1)! Regardless of what amounts to superstition and wrong teaching against learning and activating the gifts of God it IS your right and your blessing from God to glean from the experience of veteran prophetic voices such as Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden of Father’s Heart Ministry.

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[1Co 14:1] Follow after charity, and desire spiritual [gifts], but rather that ye may prophesy.
Are you prophetic as a believer? Perhaps you even go so far as to feel that God has called you to the office of a prophet (wow!). There is help and there is encouragement! The Online Prophetic School of Father’s Heart Ministry is a safe and exciting learning environment where in the last many years over 2000 students have been activated and launched into their gifting. Many have even gone so far as to move into full-time prophetic calling. Not everyone is called to the OFFICE of a prophet but EVERYONE and we mean EVERYONE is encouraged, and compelled in the scripture to desire, develop, activate and learn to prophesy!
[1Co 14:31] For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.
Are you hungry for more? Do you desire to move in the gifts of God? The online courses of Father’s Heart Ministry are comprehensive, easy and conveniently available online. In these courses, you will receive:
1.) A printed (PDF) study online every week;
2.) A video teaching (on demand) by Prophet Russ Walden teaching from his years of experience;
3.) AND most exciting – a safe, online forum just for you and others in your class from all over the world to actually put into practice what you are learning in the lessons! This one aspect of Father’s Heart Ministry’s Online Prophetic School is what our students tell us distinguishes what we do from other programs they have tried. You will learn and do and learn by doing in a joyful and exciting interaction with others who will prophesy to you as you learn and you will get to prophesy to them!

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Lastly – the greatest encouragement we can give you is from other students just like you who launched out and benefit from these powerful courses. Here is their feedback:
Terry Lynn S. Missouri, USA:
I believe what has made your prophetic course life changing for me is, we learn by doing. We not only read the lessons and watch the videos. We put into practice what we are studying. And what a world of difference that makes!
Cheng Z. Connecticut, USA:
This class helped me to get more close to Jesus. Helped me to understand God’s word more. Thank you so much.
Marla J.  California, USA:
I took Course 1 and plan to do Part 2 soon. The course helped me to grow more in my relationship with the Lord. It helped to promote more intimacy with the Father. I always felt He was afar off, but this class helped me to experience His nearness and His desire to talk to me. The Practice Lessons were excellent because they provide an opportunity for you to apply what was learned.
Gladys P. Alberta, Canada:
For me, it did away with the lie that ‘I can’t hear God’ and now I hear him all the time… It gave me confidence to speak prophetically and to use the gift that God has given me…
Lisa M.  Norway:
The practical aspect of the course really challenged me to press into God to get prophetic words for other group members. The weekly teachings helped demystify hearing God’s voice and exposes the myth that only select, appointed people are gifted with prophecy and generously invites all of God’s children to hear His voice and prophecy. It also sheds light on the confusion between Old and New Testament prophecy.
Derrick T., Ghana
This course has given me the courage to speak the deep mind of God to people. My ministry has benefited greatly through this course. God bless Prophets Walden.
Amanda F.  Manitoba, Canada
I am in the 3rd internship now. When I took the 1st internship, I was recovering from a broken relationship and this internship helped me to reach God in ways I had never been able to when I had been emotionally healthy.
This course has completely changed the direction of my life – I’m now in a Spirit filled church, I’m the house prophet there and train my own class in prophecy. If you want to see your life drastically change and be truly lead by the Spirit, take the Fathers Heart Ministry Internships!
Ava E.  Florida, USA
This course has sown into my Spirit, an integrated boldness. I’m now confident in hearing the voice of The Lord. Thank you so much!!
Christie M.  Texas, USA
I LOVE this program because you receive very comprehensive teachings for each specific gift that you don’t see in other ministries. I’m grateful that Prophets Russ and Kitty have sacrificed so much to empty out of themselves and pour into others. This training is priceless!!!
Hannah W. South Carolina, USA
I have taken the Internship course 1. It has been a really good experience. I enjoyed the course, everything I learned and the members I prophesied to and received words from. I now have a good understanding of the Prophetic and am very thankful for all God has revealed. After the course, it was revealed that I will have a prophetic healing ministry after nursing school.
Karen N. Georgia, USA
I am so thankful for this class – it has helped me to better understand and treasure this gift. I have so appreciated the opportunities to encourage others through personal prophecy. The positive atmosphere of the entire forum has been a godsend to me. Would like to meet my “classmates” someday in person. Hope to see the Waldons in Atlanta at upcoming event. They are special!
Salome B.  Denmark
This course has given me courage, strength, boldness and prophetic insight. I´m still taking course 1 and I want to finish all 3 courses because it benefits me, and the people around me. I´m so grateful to Terri and prophets Russ and Kitty for all they are doing at Father´s Heart Ministries and I pray that more people will take the Prophetic Internship Courses at their ministry.
Can the Gifts of the Spirit be Taught?These Prophetic Courses have literally Catapulted me into My Destiny! I can NOW clearly hear God’s Voice for myself WITHOUT doubting it’s really Him speaking to me. The Lord also gives me Prophetic Words for others. Thank you Prophet’s Russell & Kitty Walden for your Love and Dedication to the Body of Christ for Activating the Voice of God in us. Your Reward will be Great!
Cynthia B. Lousiana, USA
These Prophetic Courses have literally Catapulted me into My Destiny! I can NOW clearly hear God’s Voice for myself WITHOUT doubting it’s really Him speaking to me. The Lord also gives me Prophetic Words for others. Thank you Prophet’s Russell & Kitty Walden for your Love and Dedication to the Body of Christ for Activating the Voice of God in us. Your Reward will be Great!

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We do allow you to work through these courses at your own pace – within reason. Each course is 6 weeks long and we hope that with our help you will finish in approximately that time period. We will however work with each student to make sure they get the good out of the lessons and extract all that God has for them!
**Refund Policy – due to the digital nature of this material and the effort that goes into setting each student up in the online courses – no refunds are available once you enroll.

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Other Comments

  • Florence Hodge Okafor says:

    Please register me for the prophetic course and partnership.

  • Rev. George ludisi says:

    Hi! Your teachings are so powerful about the holy spirit. Plse help us get this teachings in Africa as a free training to the needy ones of God. You will be blessed! Thankyou.

  • Pl Prayer for my family name Susan son name Abin have mental depression please Prayer for my family