By Reason of the Cloud

Are you ready for the Cloud of God’s Presence? In 1 Chron. 5:13 the cloud of God appeared in the midst of the Temple and the Priests could not stand to minister by reason of the Cloud. What brings the cloud of God’s glory? In this passage, Solomon was dedicating the temple of stone but in the New Covenant, you are the temple of God in your person because God dwells in your heart by faith. By extension, we are the temple of God as believers gathered together not as a random audience but as lively stones, each one in his place. Are you in your place in the body of Christ or are you still at the quarry hammering things out? Likewise, the Cloud came as the people ministered to the Lord in 1 Chron. 5:13. They weren’t focused on an audience because the verses says the music was heard which implies the singers were not in front of an audience as they played and God’s cloud came. Worshipped is not focused on the people but on the Lord. Want to bring the manifest presence of God into your life? Praise him till the spirit of worship comes and then worship till the glory comes and then stand in the glory!

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