Breakthrough Word for March 2016

Marchx350Breakthrough Word for March 2016
This is the Breakthrough Prophetic Word for March 2016 – 2 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. TRANSCRIPTION: “The Father says that the month of March will be a month of yoke easy and burden light. Let go of the heavy load and the crushing sense of false responsibility! Roll all your cares over upon Me for I care for you – I am capable, willing and active in My watch care over your life. There have been those that have looked only at the darkness gathering on the horizon but I say unto you this day look at the morning spread on the mountains! This day I am the Daystar arising in your heart. This day I am illuminating your life and causing darkness to lift and sorrow and sighing to flee away. This day you will tread out with joy and rejoicing the vintage of My Spirit to mend, alleviate and lift off of you the garments of heaviness!
Put on your dancing shoes says the Father for there is a sound of celebration in the land as I move to demonstrate My sovereignty in the earth. Fear not what man threatens or the shrill voice of alarm – do you not know that your Daddy-God sits as Lord over the earth and over your life – no man shall set on you to hurt you or harm you in any way. The anointing I have placed upon your life is causing you to bulk up in My Spirit and break off the false burden and the lying reports that haven’t happened, are not happening and are not going to happen because I am coming through for you at this time and this hour says the Father!”

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