Breakthrough Word for March 2020

Hello! This is Russ and Kitty Walden with Father’s Heart Ministry. Below you will find the Breakthrough Word for March 2020 from Father’s Heart Ministry.

The Father says today I am your inoculation from every disease and every virus. Vaccinate yourself with My word. Immunize yourself with My promise. Though a thousand fall at your right hand or ten thousand at your left, it will not come near you. Many voices are sounding around you, and fear rises like a tide. I haven’t given you a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind. I am the God who raises the standard of My power and the merits of the Cross to destroy anxiety and bring you to rest and peace while all others flail about with no answers. Hear My voice and listen to what I am saying. Anchor your well being on what I have told you time and time again in My word. Exercise faith in My word says the Father for My promise is that I will allow none of those diseases to come on you that those without are grappling with. I am your Healer, and I am your healing. No disease germ or virus can breach the bloodline that was established in your behalf at Calvary. Stay in the place of trust. Keep your eyes on Me at all times for My name is your defense and your high tower. Run into My name. Open your ears to the TRUE REPORT of My voice on the inside of you.

When others panic, keep your hand on the lead line of My guidance that knows no fear. I will lead you and guide you through the fire, and you will come out without even the smell of smoke on one thing in your life that is dear to you. Trust Me, says the Father. This is an hour and a day of unequivocal trust and dependence upon My hand and My voice and My purposes in your life. Step out in faith and keep moving forward with confidence and boldness to believe all that I have said to you. Move your feet, says the Father for you will see this land of despair no more. This day I am moving you and propelling you forward into My provision. I am releasing a new strength in you that will not fracture under the pressures that are crushing others. You have said in your heart, “I don’t think I can take much more of this …” But the Father says FEAR NOT for I AM with you! I will never leave you or forsake you. I will see to it AS YOU PUT YOUR TRUST AFRESH AND ANEW IN ME that nothing and no one will set on you to hurt or destroy or even to touch one hair of your head!

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Other Comments

  • Amelia says:

    Amen, I receive it and may God Almighty continue to move through you keep you as his anointed vessel as a true prophet to spread the word.

  • Stephanie says:

    I just wanted to let ya’ll know that since the very first day I read the prophetic word of the day I’ve been connected and partnered in the spirit with this ministry! I thought it important to mention that if I would have had some money I would definitely be sending it! I know the importance of giving into a word! So I’ve wanted to set up pastoral calls but I’ve been in a financial situation I trust the Lord completely in all things so blessed be his name!

  • Moira Shole says:

    Thank You Jesus for this promise ” . Though a thousand fall at your right hand or ten thousand at your left, it will not come near you. ” I stand on it.

  • Mel says:

    On time word for my transition and the reminder to trust and stay in the Lord for my perfect peace. This confirmed The Holy Spirits word to me to trust him for all things. Thank you for the word.

  • says:

    Thank you for your goodness Lord, and your promises to us!!

  • Tanya Cephus says:

    Amen. Hallelujah to Jehovah Jireah and Jehovah Reese he loves us even when we don’t love ourselves. Jesus Christ showed us four thousand years ago.