Breakthrough Word for April 2020 (Video)

The Breakthrough Word for April 2020:


Prophet Russ Walden brings a powerful prophetic word for the month of April 2020. The breakthrough word is an alignment word, bringing your faith into the pattern of “as in heaven so on earth.” This month, Prophet Russ by the word of the Lord addresses the COVID-19 crisis and what to expect by the hand of God at this time.


The Father says for April 2020, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our God and His Christ. The systems of this world are now brought to their peril as the wheat of My making stands up, and the tares are taken away. Thus shall the righteous shine in the day of My salvation says God. Two thousand years ago, I came off the Cross and announced to the enemy, “I’ll have those keys!” No one had ever talked to him that way, but that is the exact authority I have given you. The resurrection power that brought Me from the Cross to the throne is the authority I have imparted to you this day. There are keys in your hand, says God. You are not a victim; you are a victor. You are not a statistic; you are a king and a priest of the Rock cut out of the mountain. Babylon’s golden head is weeping in trembling hands, but the Head whom you serve is ruling over all and manifesting His glory. This is not a time to bow to fear but a time to lift up your heads; you are everlasting gates, and your king has come, and My glory has come with Me both to deliver and to manifest My greatness to you in you and through you says the Father.


Fret not neither be dismayed; it is My good pleasure not to give you man’s pitiful crumbs of a government solution but to bring you to My table and cause you to eat of the king’s bounty when all else has failed and come to dust and ashes. I am your trust, says God, and I am your shield and defense against every enemy, both seen and unseen. You will not fall, and you will not fail for I the Lord God am the God of armies and My forces are set in array to defend you and bring you into the very manifest destiny paid for in blood on the Cross two millennia ago. The media will be stunned to utter silence, says God. The cameras will roll, and the signals go out around the world as My glory is made manifest in the midst of the flock, for I am your Shepherd, and I am your governance in the midst of the nations. Your citizenship is not earthly citizenship, but your citizenship is in heaven. You have not come to the courts of man, or the throne of man for your representation is in the heavens at My throne, and I say to you that the gavel comes down – it IS brought down in your favor says the Lord.


Now the Father says the healing is in your hands. Every disease germ and microbe that touches you dies instantly at the mention of My name. The water from the Rock is your refreshment and the manna every morning. I will supernaturally multiply your supplies, says God. I will digitally act even to fill your bank accounts, and checks will come in the mail that you didn’t even know were coming. Congregations and gatherings of your neighbors will spontaneously come to your door because they will see angels standing to guard your borders. They will see clouds of glory by day and pillars of fire by night, and they will inquire, and they will ask saying we must know your God and we must bow at His feet – will you pray for us for they will say that God is in their midst and you are His representative. Now your gates will ever be open, and now the wealth of the nations will flow into your lives, and My power will flow out to heal the people and transform the situation, and they will know that I the Lord am in their midst and that you are My chosen ambassador says, God!

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  • Isreal says:

    Sometimes last year around October/November, God said through Prophet Russ that within the next 6 months this world would not be the same again.
    Then I could not figure out what that meant.
    But now with almost everyone in the world staying at home, it has become clearer.
    More anointing, Sir.

  • Valencia Greenidge says:

    I just want to say that I love you guys at FHM and your ministry. I am soooooooo thankful for you guys allowing God to use you as obedient instruments to the body and the world. I pray that God will continue to bless your ministry and obedience. Thank you for the constant words from the Father. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your radical obedience. Amen. God bless you continually!💖

  • I receive this words Lord in Jesus’s name. Amen. May it be done unto your handmade Lord as you have spoken through the mouth of your prophet. May I and my family see the goodness, mercy and favor of the Lord in this month of April as you have promised in Jesus’s name. Amen

  • Alexandrena Raymond says:

    You guys look beautiful may GOD allways Bless this ministry for his GLORY FATHER YAHVEH!

  • John Johnson says:

    I receive the prophetical word of God spoken for April 2020 over my life and may the Lord continue to speak through your ministry

  • Israel Moussa says:

    Halleluuuuuuuuuuuu Jah ! Thank You Heavenly Father, El Elyon, El Olam, El Shaddai, Jehovah Abba, Jehovah Avinu, Jehovah Adon Kal Ha’arets, Jehovah keren-Yish’i, Jehovah Mephalti, my soul waits what only You can do. Yahweh, may my life display Your power. Hashem, use me to glorify You. Elohim, do the impossible in and through me, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

  • robearh says:

    Oh indeed so Father God, thank you so much, for I am yours, and you are mine ! Praise, Honor, to you Daddy God ! I love you evermore. Hallelujah ! Hallelujah !

  • Frances McHenry says:

    I receive and believe your Word for April 2020 spoken through your prophet Russ Walden for now and forever, Amen!