Breakthrough Prophetic Word for September 2014 (Video)

BPW-Sept-20142 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for September 2014 we speak to the Christ of God in you and destroy the illegitimate authority that seeks to impede your destiny (transcription included below)
The Father says it is Amos 9:13 time in the earth. If you were EVER going to sow yourself into KINGDOM PURPOSE says the Father NOW IS THE TIME. Be a life poured out like a drink offering to Me in this hour says your God. Break out of the tentacles of Python that have wrapped around you and denied you access to My glory. Put aside every distraction and impediment and MOVE forward in ministry purpose and portion.
Move forward I say for the clarity you seek and the conditions you have set for obedience will not be met until the enlargement of step comes to those who are willing like Peter to vault over the rail of the opinions of men and walk on the waters of audacity in My Spirit.
Be a seed sown says the Father even as Zerubabel of old sow yourself into My purposes will I not answer with the rain from heaven? This is the day and the hour that I will HEAR the heavens and the heavens will hear the earth and the earth will hear the seed and your land will be Jezreel and your land will be married and your land will be no more barren but fruitful in the terraced plantings of obedient hearts who have rendered all to Me and received the recompense of My fullness says the Father!

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