Breakthrough Prophetic Word for September 2013 (Video)

September-Breakthrough-Prophetic-Word2 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for September 2013 we speak to the Christ of God in you and destroy the illegitimate authority that seeks to impede your destiny (see Video Below).

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  • Praise God for that! In the Spirit I feel like I am crossing over Jabok and onto Victory thru Jesus Christ my Lord!

  • This is such a confirmation of what I have been getting lately for myself and the body. The time of shift is done. Sunday – the 22nd – I heard in prayer before services that the baton had been handed off. This one has been a long time coming… Your word is excellent.

  • I receive this word from the Lord with faith and assurance that those things that were spoken are coming to pass…yes, let me move into my blessing time Lord for I have been awaiting it ……Praise the Lord!

  • God bless you prophets Russ and kitty for sharing your daily prophets word, It have bean a blessing to me ever since I find your web site, many close door have open for me, with your prayer and blessing from God, keep up the good work and continues bless others as God Bless you.

  • This is the first encounter I have had with your ministry – I actually stumbled upon it by accident & IM GLAD! I notice for everyday you gave it all written out. Is there a written piece for the Very First mention?? I would LOVE to have a copy of that. Thank You!

  • Joy S;pruill says:

    May this word be active and living in my life…… Hallelujah!!!….I receive EVERY jot and tittle in the name of JESUS!!

  • Victor N. I. says:

    Be it unto me, Glorious Father, according to Your Word. Rent the heaven and demonstrate Your Power upon, by the spirit of Your Word, which is gone ahead of me. For I know that I know that Your Word shall never come back void. My testimonies are fully established.