Breakthrough Prophetic Word September 2012

Breakthrough Word for September 2012

The Father says that I am not bound by history or by the past. The past does not reign in sovereignty over Me on the contrary I reign in sovereignty over TIME and ETERNITY. As a garment I am rolling up the marred tapestry of the past in your life and discarding and revising the heartbreak that would otherwise define your future.
Your past says the Father will not dictate your future. It is the nature of My grace and the character of what I am doing in your life RIGHT NOW. I am injecting the FINGER of GOD into your past and obliterating the tracks of desperation and heartache.
You have wondered and despaired at times saying in yourself “what good could ever come to Me after all this tragedy?” No says the Father I am bringing beauty from ashes and pouring out the oil of joy on your parched soul. Where there has been blasting and mildew and devastation I am bringing newness of life.
I am rewriting your personal history. Whole chapters of disappointment and blame are being excised from the manuscript of your past. I am substituting tragedy for triumph. I am revising sorrow and sighing and drying every tear of regret.
So FORGIVE says the Father. FORGIVE, RELEASE and BLESS. For I have forgiven you therefore you must forgive yourself and no longer recriminate yourself for those things from which I have washed you clean.
It’s a new day says the Father and I am calling you to walk in a new way no longer crippled by self recrimination and brokenness. Rejoice! Rejoice and move forward together with Me into the noon day of My favor in your life.

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