Breakthrough Prophetic Word for November 2017

Breakthrough Prophetic Word for November 2017
2 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for November 2017 a word of governance from on high is spoken into your life.
TRANSCRIPTION: “The Father says today the wind of My Spirit is bringing the cresting of the waves of My favor in your life. Purpose in your heart to be a vessel poured out to My purpose in your day, in your life and in every transaction and activity you engage in. I have blessed you (past tense). I have blessed you going in and I have blessed you going out. I have blessed you when you lie down and I have blessed you when you rise up. I have blessed you in your private life and I have blessed you on the public square. I have – I HAVE ALREADY given you favor with those you need to have favor with, so INQUIRE AGAIN. Go back to the closed door and the opportunities that did not materialize and see that fresh favor and fresh bounty awaits you like the low hanging fruit on the vine of My goodness in your life. This is your day says the Father. Because I will not be denied, you will not be denied. Because I will not be delayed you will not be delayed as you purposefully and resolutely abandon yourself to My purposes and align yourself with the new, fresh assignments I have called you to give yourself to.”

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