Breakthrough Prophetic Word for May 2016

breakthrough-Title-Page-for-Mayx2002 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for May 2016. TRANSCRIPTION:
Be called up today says the Father. I am calling you up to your destiny. No more looking back. Don’t look back says the Father. Do not look to the things that are behind you but look to the things that are ahead. It is My promise and not man’s influence that is shaping what happens next in your life. There are those who claim to be in power and in control but they are as the small dust of the balance – as nothing in the scheme of things. Your life is in My hand. No one can interrupt or impede or turn aside that thing that I have purposed to do in your life. Make up your mind that you will not look at the tempestuous circumstance but rather look at My glory. It is My glory that rules over all. It is My glory that scatters the enemies and exalts My name. It is My glory that I have placed on the inside of you to produce your destiny. My glory – it is My glory within you.
So make it your determination to depend on who I am on the inside of you and not any false resource. The promise of man is false. Cursed be he who trusts in man or makes the arm of flesh his strength. You are blessed and will walk in My blessing when you choose to lean upon Me and rely upon Me in all things. The enemy has said that you cannot do what I have called you to do unless this person or that person cooperates. The Father says shake the dust off your feet and walk out of bondage into your assigned destiny. I have empowered you and commissioned you. I have made provision for you and it will be made manifest just when you need it. Let this month be a month of shift and change because you have put your trust in Me and determined not to be distracted by anything that diminishes your cooperation with My plan for your life.

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