Breakthrough Prophetic Word for March 2017

Breakthrough Prophetic Word for March 2017
Prophet Russ Walden – 2 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for March 2017. TRANSCRIPTION: “The Father says My wind is at your back. My purposes are hastening to completion in your life. Prepare your heart and prepare your life for the net breaking catch. There are those in proximity to your life that have not been operationally connected to you but that will have to change. They don’t think there is enough resources and blessing to go around. They don’t honestly have faith that I can or will bless you and them both. Your commission is to speak the word of persuasion to cause their hearts to turn in time to encapsulate that which I am about to pour out upon you both. The new wineskin is bigger than what you can encompass. Collaboration will be a necessity and in high demand in the days ahead. Make yourself ready and make yourself an agent of cooperation and the Matt. 18 agreement before whom no enemy from hell can stand. That anointing will be that portion that will mow down the opposition and capture your destiny as though in a day.
Get ready says the Father. Be an initiator of the now outpouring that is being made manifest. I give you leave – I give you permission to pray the SOONER-NOT-LATER PRAYER. There are things you thought would come sooner that will come later and things you thought would come later that are going to come sooner. Fret not! Because I have time you have time but the timetable is accelerated according to your faith and according to your courage to receive in fullness that which I have promised. Can you take NOW for an answer? The mountain of the marketplace is opening up as never before. The gates of oppression are being broken open that have sought to contain My people in the ghetto of religion. You are coming out. My people are coming out into a new day and a new entitlement. This is your portion and this is My promise in your life in this season says the Father.”

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Other Comments

  • Amen , Thank you Father I take now for an answer, I praise your holy name, I thank you so much for your promises which are Yes and Amen.

  • Thank you God for all things in my life big and small ,your grace and love for me is amazing you Love when I didn’t love myself thank you can’t make it with out you

  • I THANK!YOU in advance FATHER..I GIVE you praise and HONOR..I command us me the works of thy hands oh Lord..sooner father..sooner

  • alvin Peters says:

    amen, i receive the prophecy for march 2017 now in jesus name.Thank you propehet for the word. Amen

  • Cheryl Coutris says:

    Awesome word for such a time as this!!! Thank You Prophet Russ!

  • colleen says:

    thank u prophet russ. I say amen to the word of the LORD. I received in Jesus Name

  • Apostle R. Hackman says:

    We first, want to thank God (Daddy), for this awesome man and women of God in the prophetic for there labor of love in min. and there obedience, may God bless them a thousand times over,and thank God for the powerful word, I agree and receive it all in Yeshua Name, blessings be upon this ministry.

  • Festus Maweu says:

    Thank you Prophet Russ. I say amen to the word of the Lord. And thank you.

  • Michael Carey says:

    Yes, ready to move on and upward to the prize of His calling to the nations! Gracias Dios!

  • Josette Haywood says:

    A Suddenly season of Father God’s Outpouring of Love, Protection and Provision for His Saints…Praise God, Bless God in the name of Jesus Christ

  • Praise God !! I receive this!! In Jesus Name! God bless Father’s Heart Ministries!!

  • Rose dada emmanuel says:


  • Wow, How Awesome Is This ? Hallelujah !!!!!! Rejoicing in Shouts of thanksgiving. Glory, Glory, Glory,
    Hallelujah !!! Thanks be to God !!!! for the Now !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Season, This Season !!!!!! Awesome Month
    of March !!!!!!!!!!! Wow, I can take the Now !!!! Yes, Yes, Yes, Awesome Yes, Higher Praises lifted up
    Come on People of God, give him Shouts of Higher Praises. Wow, so awesome, so good, good, good.