Breakthrough Prophetic Word for July 2017

From Prophet Russ Walden:

2 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. Below you will find the video and transcript for July 2017:

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“The Father says today that I have not called you to endless struggle. Walking in
the kingdom was never intended to be characterized by reeling from one crisis to
the next. My hand is upon you. I have promoted you. Whether anyone else understands
the gifting I have invested in you – let your heart come into agreement with My
heart says the Father. This is the hour and this is the time that having one heart
and one mind with Me is required and called upon as a matter of your personal accountability
before My throne. Come into the place of deeper trust. As you have trusted Me in
times past so trust Me deeper still in the season you are stepping into right now.
The harvest is ripe. The time of harvest is at hand. I have prepared a sickle and
a garner to gather in the wheat of heaven says the Father. Are you a willing worker?
There are those who will not go unless they know what is in it for them. I say to
you they will be left standing, unused and unfulfilled. Be a vessel poured out unto
Me. Be willing to stay and be willing to go. Be willing to support and be willing
to go out without any man going with you. This is a time of great harvest says the
Father and I have called you and privileged you to be a willing worker in the whitened
fields of a world-wide, global harvest of heaven in the earth.”

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Other Comments

  • Jo anne watts says:

    I read the prophetic word for July 2017. I go alone and for the whitened field I’m agreeing you are the prophet in my life because the holy spirit in you confirms everyday in the prophetic time after time and as a prophetess my self can see eye to eye and hear the message. Confirmed revealed. My ministry differs as a prophet but I’m available. You have met my spiritual needs many times and I thank you for your hearing and obedience.

  • Jeanne Anne zoilo says:

    AMEN..Yes in the mighty name of JESUS thank you for the harvest GOD as I kneel on my knees to acknowledge that you are GOD..I am willing to work for the glory of your kingdom.

  • Selina Ardrey says:

    Morning Light has helped me understand many aspects of the Bible and lean Gods word , thank You

  • robearh says:

    Glory thank you Jesus, for the Harvest. Hallelujah !!! Willing Awesome Father God, Hallelujah !!