Breakthrough Prophetic Word for January 2018

2 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for January 2018 a word of governance from on high is spoken into your life. TRANSCRIPTION: The Father says today that this is the hour that I establish Myself as your righteousness, your sanctification and redemption. I am redeeming you from the chains of hopelessness and bringing you forth with fresh, strong and restored vigor and vitality that you have not known for years. Look into the mirror of My word this day says the Father. Know that I am making all things new! See not the sufferings of the past but the new creation I have made you to be – filled with strength, filled with power and ascending to radical dimensions of My favor beyond what you have experienced in years past.
The Father says over your life YOU HAVEN’T SEEN ANYTHING YET! You have a testimony and you have seen great things worked by My hand but here is where all the parameters of past triumphs are exceeded by the GREATER GLORY of My truth and life and power breaking out upon you this day. Be prepared to reassess just what life and life more abundantly looks like in your sojourn on this side of eternity. You may have dreamed but you have never dreamed this good. You may have cast in your mind just how great I am and just how powerful I am but I am about to exceed all possible expectations you have ever conceived says God.
Let your life this day be poured out like a drink offering to Me this day. If there was ever a day to be a vessel emptied out in service to the kingdom BELOVED it is now! You haven’ t missed out! Plan “A” is still on the table. You think the past dictates some things but I am telling you that past, present and future are all subject to the word of My command and that command over you is BE LOOSED! BE FREE! BE FOUND IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING WALKING OUT JUST WHAT RADICAL FAVOR AND RADICAL BLESSING ENTAIL. Are you ready? Step forward! Step up! Step out for I am with you. I will never leave you or forsake you. I will walk with you on the waves. I will be the fourth man in the fire. I will be the wheel within the wheel spinning out My glory usurping all the plans of the enemy and bringing you out conquering and to conquer over every obstacle and enemy says God!

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