Breakthrough Prophetic Word for January 2017

Breakthrough Prophetic Word for January 2017
Prophet Russ Walden – 2 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for January 2017.
TRANSCRIPTION: “The Father says today that January is a time of calling up spiritual warriors in the earth. This is not a time to draw down but a time of building up. There is a buildup of regiments and battalions of intercession for a final offensive of My kingdom shock troops on the mountain of government. I am interdicting the strategies of Satan on the mountains of media, government and the military in significant ways in the next 30 days says the Father. Let your mouth pray. Let the intercessors gather and open their eyes to see and get behind what I am doing as I disengage illegitimate authorities and bring My true servants and handmaidens to sudden promotion. There will be many traps and snares that have been set for those with the Joseph anointing that the enemy himself will fall into and be taken and destroyed through intercession and spiritual warfare.
So, rise up intercessors. As the ministry increases so the intercession must increase. I am healing the death in the pot that has taken many of My men and My women prematurely from the earth. For every sacrifice made I am raising up 10 that will take their place under an even heavier anointing of prophetic boldness and apostolic audacity. The walls of restraint that the enemy has erected around the nation to keep My people bound and weakened are being brought down by apostolic reformers who are strengthening the old foundations and laying new foundations where there has been darkness and barrenness. Make it your determination this day to come off the sidelines of passivity and step into the calling by which I choose you. Determine above all else to be found faithful and as you are found faithful I will bless the work of your hands and make all things new in your life in a radical way.

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