Breakthrough Prophetic Word for October 2015 (Video)

Breakthrough-October-2015This is the Breakthrough Prophetic Word for September 2015 – 2 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word.

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TRANSCRIPTION: The Father says today you are kingdom insider. You are IN ME says the Father and that makes you an insider. I am giving you an inside track to My benefit and My blessing and My purposes in the earth. I am an inclusive God therefore I include you. I include you says the Father and I choose you. My choosing is upon you today. This day I declare your entitlement. I have given you privileged access to My goodness because you have chosen to believe the good report. Others are excluded because they have ruled out My goodness in the earth. The have ruled out My goodness in your life and the lives of those around them. I am ruling you in. I am ruling you in says the Father and the gavel is coming down in your favor. Forget the past. Forget the disappointments of days gone by.
I am blessing you. I am benefiting you. I am showing up in your life that you will not even be able to find words to describe how I have come through for you. You are going to have to find a whole new vocabulary of blessing to even come close to expressing all that I am doing for you and about to do for you. Rejoice says the Father. Rejoice in faith. Rejoice in anticipation. Get a list and make a list and write down all those things that keep you awake at night and rob you of your rest and your peace. One by one I will address them. Line by line, line by line by line I will work, and change and transform until heaven come to earth is becomes the template of purpose manifest in your life and put on display as a testimony to all around you.

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