Breakthrough Prophetic Word for November 2012

The Father says that limitation, impediment, restriction and boundary is being removed from your life and being replaced by My limitless, boundless grace. I see bones falling in the wilderness. I see an angel in front of me like a painter before an easel. Allow Me to paint your life in the pigments of My purpose.
My love says the Father has no shelf life. My love is as fresh and passionate as it was when I laid upon the wood and offered up My life a ransom for your own. Will you be a consumable in My love?
I am a fire from My loins up and My loins down says the Father. I am calling you to be combustible in My presence. Too many of My children are fireproof. They have come before Me wrapped in a flame retardant mentality. Will YOU be a brand in My burning?
Be combustible in My presence says the Father. Divest yourself of all fire retardant mentalities. Step into your now even THIS day.
Step into your now – and do so by living in YOUR now. Don’t look back says the Father. Don’t look back. Live in your now for that is the ante-chamber of My Glory in your heart and in your life. Let your now be lost in My NOW. For your NOW is temporal – but My NOW is ETERNAL. Make a choice then says the Father to relinquish your now and free fall into My now.
My now is timeless says the Father.
My now is boundless.
My now is without limitation and without restraint.
My now is the dunamis that drives the engine of ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
So give Me your todays and your yesterdays and pull down and rip down regret and sorrow and trust in the now that I have prepared for you.
The place I have prepared for you says the Father is in My NOW. I rearranged and reconfigured My now so it would be a habitable place for you.
In My humanity I left My now and condescended  to your now. I found your now unacceptable so I dismissed your now and gave you My now as a divine substitute. So bask in My now says the Father. Luxuriate in My now.
Possess it. Know it as the gift of the Father to meet your every need and answer your deepest cry.

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