Breakthrough Prophetic Word for June 2013 (Video)

Breakthrough-Word-Junex150The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for June 2013. The Father SEES and He is acting in your behalf.

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The Father says My name is Jehovah Jireh. I see says the Father and in the seeing is the decision to act in your life. I have set you says the Father as the pupil of My eye and My promises toward you do not require a decision on My part each time you have a need. My faithfulness to you is arises from an autonomic response to implement in your behalf those promises that the cross implies.
I am not a mocker says the Father. I am not a mocker nor one who taunts with assurances of blessing that I am not prepared to make good on. It is time to cast down the imprecations of mockery and unbelief that have impugned My name in your life. They have said “where is your God now….” I am HERE says the Father and I am PRESENT in your need and making up every deficit and resolving every disharmony.
So reject unbelief and doubt and sorrow says the Father. Reject the raging contempt of those who have no clue who I am or what I have done. You are not clueless. You are not without understanding of My revealed will. My hand is upon you says the Father for good and not for evil and you will see and you will know and you will rejoice in the immediacy of My now provision in your life.

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  • Gester says:

    Thank you Lord,I am willing,take my hand and lead the way. I surrender completely Jesus.

  • Bless u both 4 obeying God & Sharing Genuine Words of Encouragement & Strength in our Days so faithfully! Can’t wait to meet u & bless u in person this year! Glory On u Holy Rollers!;) Yvon D

  • Mya Austin-Campo says:

    Wish I knew how to spell the words of my prayer language because my insides are surely just f u l l. & Right now, today, wish I was wherever you guys are . . . Feels like the enemy has been spitting darts at me these last days. Always where it hurts, of course. Hearing this -am remembering who I am in Him. & Believing for what I cannot “feel” at the moment. I DO HAVE spiritual eyes. & I refuse to let the enemy block them. Bless you~