Breakthrough Prophetic Word for July 2020

Breakthrough Word for July 2020:

My Promise is Reaching a Saturation Point in Your Life!

The Father says today to get ready for a backlog outpouring of My glory in your life! July is a month of explosive goodness and radical favor in the things that are before you. Do you want to believe the naysayers or the doom and gloomers, or are you ready for a full measure and manifestation of all that I have promised? In July, My blessing and My favor are reaching a saturation point in your life. Get ready to be engulfed in My goodness, says God. Open your heart wide in hope and belief that as are your expectations, so will be your substance. Look not on the adverse reports, warnings or conspiracies but look to My Truth even the Truth that I AM as your Way to show you the way and your Truth to expose the lie and My Zoe-Life not reduced by plague or upset or riot for I am with you says God to defend, protect and bring you to highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.

Prophet Russ – I’m Ready for the Saturation of God’s Goodness

I am your peace, says God and I will keep you in perfect harmony, as you keep your thoughts stayed on Me. Remember, at all times, that you are where your attention takes you. The merchants of the negative want to show you death, darkness, and despair. Why would you look upon such things to give yourself over to them? Why store these dark visions in your heart to make them self-fulfilling? That is not My desire; neither is that My plan for you. Come up higher, says the Father. I’m not coming down again to pay once more for the sin debt of men. I’ve already done that – I am calling you up to that place of ruling and reigning here by Me that has your name on it, even a new name that no man can know, but you will know it for it represents the character of blessing and destiny and goodness that are uniquely yours.

Prophet Russ – I Receive My New Name in the Kingdom!

Come away, My beloved even as a bride to her bridegroom. This is the bridal season when the water turns to wine, and the dead are raised to new life. Barrenness and isolation are no longer your portion. I set the solitary in families. I have caused you to find your tribe in My kingdom and know that even as Asher dips his foot in oil, even so, there is an allotment for you in the place of My promise. Your inheritance is secure, says God. The vaults of heaven are open to you, standing ready to pour out of their bounty. This is when the plowman overtakes the reaper, and the generosity of heaven comes forth to fully supply you with the undiminished inventory of favor, benefit, and virtue that are My default response to the demand of your faith for all that Calvary affords.

Prophet Russ – I Receive the Generosity of Heaven!

Don’t look back, says the Father. Don’t look back on the destruction of the plain even as Lot’s wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. Don’t look to those things that are behind you, but look to those things ahead. Don’t look at the winds or the waves that are boisterous around you, for I am walking on these billows with you. You will not sink, and you will not suffer in the overthrow of man’s impotence to change anything – you are My beloved child. As the world reels in chaos, your feet will be firm in My promise, and your eyes will see with clarity what is ahead as we walk this out together to your place of full portion and manifest destiny says your God!

Sow Into this Word for Your Life!

Now, God says press into this word and make it your own. When you release your faith by sowing into a prophetic word, an immediate shift into favor and increase occurs. This is how faith works. Giving in to the anointing causes what that anointing carries to determine what happens next in your life. Step out in faith and see what God does. What do you give? Give as you purpose in your heart, for out of the heart are the issues of life. The vision of your heart is substantiated and brought to manifestation by tangible acts of faith and obedience! Your need may be great, but let me tell you something – a significant need requires a vital seed to break the enemy’s assault by the faith it takes to give it!
Make your donation a point of contact with this prophecy over your life. Every word from heaven and this word today comes to pass and manifests in your life as you engage with it by acts of faith and anticipation.
Go to and sow into this breakthrough word for your situation.

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To Give by Phone: 417-593-9802

You may also call our office at 417-593-9802 to make your donation. Ask for our assistant Katie or Georgette, and they will help you. If the lines are busy, leave a voice mail, and we will call you back.

To Give by Mail:

Father’s Heart Ministry
P.O. Box 1915
Branson, Missouri 65615
Remember, every word mixed with faith immediately begins to come to pass. Your donation is your step of faith, believing. When something leaves your hand to God, something leaves His hand to you. There is power in this word to TURN THINGS AROUND for you and move your life in the direction highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.

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