The Father says today, as the year closes, I speak a word of breakthrough into your spirit. In My Word, you will find the exhortation to let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. I say to you, let the mentality of Christ, the cognition of Christ, the very essence of His being, permeate your thoughts and guide your every action.
As Jesus thought it not robbery to be equal with God, to be God-kind, yet He humbled Himself, taking the form of a servant. I declare to you that you, too, are God-kind, formed in My image by the work of the Cross. The old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. You are a new creation, a new species altogether.
As I AM in the heavens, so are you on the earth. Fear not the turmoil and uncertainty that surrounds you, for you are not earthbound. You are heaven-destined, anchored in My Kingdom. You operate not according to the fleeting economies or governments of man but according to the eternal economy of My Kingdom. Of My increase and your fruitfulness, there shall be no end.
I am the Door, and even so, I declare that you are a door. As I am your Healer, I empower you to go forth and bring healing to the sick. As I am your Wisdom, I anoint you as ambassadors of Christ to share My wisdom with those who seek it.
Give liberally, My children, even as I have given liberally to you. Do not upbraid when you ask Me for wisdom, but give freely of the wisdom I impart to you. For in giving wisdom, you give the very substance of who I AM, of what My Son died to provide. You are ambassadors, ministers of reconciliation.
Rise up! I have not called you to come in but to go out. And when you go out, will I not be with you? Will I not be your rear guard, your protector, your guide? Will I not send My angels to walk beside you, to safeguard you in My loving custody? Will I not defend you from the treacheries that lurk beyond your understanding? I AM with you always, and I have empowered you, anointed you, and declared that this is your day, your season.
You are a door a reflection of Christ Himself, an everlasting gate lifting up your head to take on the witness of the Gospel of the Kingdom wrought by the shed blood of Calvary. Go out and open the chamber houses of bondage! Set the captives free, those who cower in the darkness of fear and the chains of limiting beliefs. Liberate them, empower them, and send them forth to bring liberty to others. This is My will, My desire, My command.
Go forth in My love and My power. This is your breakthrough season.
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