Breakthrough Prophetic Word for August 2022

The Angels Stand Ready With a Detonation of Destiny and Supply Produced By Your Utter and Total Yieldedness

I’m not waiting on sinless perfection, says the Father, I just require you to yield to My Spirit. Say in your heart as Mary did, “be it unto me even as You have said….” The angels stand ready to produce in you a detonation of destiny and supply on the occasion of utter and total yieldedness of your heart – however imperfect. Then My power – My surpassing power will flow out to you and into you without constraint or hesitation. You will step out of the “now” of your suffering into the “now” of ruling and reigning with Me on My throne. This is your portion, and you don’t have to wait to die to walk in the fullness thereof.

Prophet Russ – I Step into the NOW of Ruling and Reigning in Life Through Jesus Christ!

Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word

Carry within your heart today a determination to know Me in the reality of My suffering that you might taste, ON THIS SIDE OF GLORY, what resurrection looks like in every area of your life. I release this day resurrection power to cause those things that are dead and stinking to vivify and spring up to restoration and life in a totally unexpected way. I Am the God of the second chance and the God who makes the dry bones live – let words come out of your mouth in the dry valley that I can work with, and you will see a mighty coming together and standing up in your life, a force to be reckoned with by the enemy, that will totally upend his assault against you even this day, says God.

Prophet Russ – I Am Determined to KNOW God’s Resurrection Power ON THIS SIDE OF GLORY!

Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word

So get ready for a passing of the baton. This is a time and a season for passing the torch of prior responsibility to others. Some plant, some water, some enjoy the harvest – everyone gets an equal reward. You don’t have to linger till harvest, says the Father. I will take care of you and take care of the vision that you have sown into for such a long time. If you have successfully planted, watered, and nurtured, then you have done what was your duty to do. I have new purposes, plans, and pursuits, where your gifts, talents, and abilities will be deployed in new places among people unknown to you and new to the message I have uniquely qualified you to impart.

Prophet Russ – I Stand Ready to Pass the Torch to Those God is Preparing to Take it and Run!

Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word

Your life is taking on an impartational grace this day, says the Father. You will release by impartation in a moment what others have labored years to teach without success. I Am bringing you to a generation of young warriors who will get, who will understand, the plowman overtaking the reaper. You will marry the generations and see Old Testament Power and New Testament Glory rejoice together in a mighty outpouring. You will have to abandon the old measurement standards for what men think I Am doing. I Am quantifying a new outpouring by a new normal, and you, My beloved, are ordained to be a first partaker of that downpour!

Prophet Russ – I Receive God’s Impartational Grace to Release to Others in a Moment of Time!

Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word

Sowing into the Word of God:

It is an act of honor to sow into a prophetic word. Sowing into the word is an act of faith to appropriate that word, to lay hold on the promise in that word your personal situation. As you step out and as an act of honor, sow into a prophetic word. Sowing into the word is an act of faith to appropriate that word, to lay hold on the promise in that word for your personal situation. You also become a partaker of the same blessings and anointing that is upon this ministry. It is our desire that you have your version of our breakthrough in the things of God.


Prophet Russ Walden


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Now – take a step of faith and to go to and sow into this
breakthrough word for your situation. Plant a sacrificial seed into what God does next in your life.

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breakthrough word for your situation.

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