Breakthrough Prophetic Word for August 2013

2 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for August 2013 the Fire of God is released to bring breakthrough in your life.

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The Father says that I am the God of tribes, peoples and nations. I am the God of the ethnos – the nations and in righteousness will I over rule the injustices of man that have plagued the disenfranchised peoples of the earth. I will over turn governments and I will vacate positions of power. I will bring down the high and lofty and promote from obscurity men and women who will accomplish My will.
Even as I raised up Cyrus to bring about My purposes in days of old I am raising up kings, potentates, legislators, and democratically elected leaders whose hearts will be in My hand and I will turn them whithersoever I will. I am breathing upon a campaign of ethnic justice says the Father. I will adjudicate in behalf of the impoverished and the maligned and oppressed peoples of the earth. I will overturn injustice. I will bring My hand over the governments of the earth and they will know that there is a KING in GLORY who wars in behalf of the saints.
I will inhabit that high and lofty place with that one who is of a humble and contrite spirit before Me. Take your refuge in Me and trust in Me in this hour for your need has not escaped Mine eye. As you open your hand in surrender I will bare My arm in deliverance.  I will not turn to the right hand or to the left but WILL accomplish that whereunto I have set My face says the Father.

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  • God Bless you Prophet Russ and Kitty, you have bring many blessing in my life ever since I found your web site, I have seen a lot of God work at hand in many things in my life, in my health, blessing, and spiritual work with your help from God, please pray for me, I work two days a week, please pray your prayer of blessing up on me ,to find a full week job so that I can bless God house more and bless others who need help in Jesus name, keep up the good work of God, and I am praying for you both that where ever you go in the world, the blessing of God will go before you, with the grates gift from god, that he have for you, you work will be grate messenger for the world,

  • valerie f gallegos says:

    Amen asi es! Gloria a Jesus! Give thanks too the Lord for he is good! The God of all mercy, grace, justice, hope and LOVE!!!!!!!

  • I believe I see this prophecy already coming to pass in accordance to (Matthew 20:16) 16 So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.” and (Zephaniah 3:14-20). Those who were in high places and seemed to be of all power are coming to a fall. Today a childhood actor passed away and it was very unexpected of how he died. Another young celebrity death. No one knows how these people were living, but their fruit reveals that they didn’t seek God before their tragic ends.