Breakthrough Prophetic Word for February 2018 (Video)

2 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for February 2018 a word of governance from on high is spoken into your life. TRANSCRIPTION: The Father says today welcome to the FAIL SAFE ZONE in My kingdom and in My glory. Love never fails, says the Father for in love you will know what it is to excel and succeed at what you put your hand to beyond anything you have ever experienced. The Father says today keep the main thing the main thing. You have mountain moving faith on the inside of you and that faith will in fact move the mountain in your way when you pair it with the agape of My Spirit!
It’s the LOVE THING My beloved and this is your term and your time to get My love activated in your life to position you for a detonation of the substance you have fixed your hope on to become a manifest reality in space and time. The kiss of heaven awaits you. The embrace of My passion is upon you even now, but it must not only flow to you but flow out through you to others even to the obnoxious, the undeserving and the resistant ones says God.
Lavish My love upon unlovely. Pour out My love without measure as the vessel I have chosen. You have asked Me for some major breakthroughs says God and they are on hand to appear in your life as you unlimber and unchain My effervescent love on the inside of you, allowing it to burst out and inundate those that are dry and parched and crying out for one drop of compassion that only you can give!
It is your time and your opportunity this day to unreservedly, without measure and beyond any metric of love you have ever conceived to flow to you and through you out to the unlovable, the unkind, those blinded by their hatred and their prejudice. I am putting My love on display in your life and I will not relent until the fullness of all that My love is capable of demonstrating is found pulsing in your own heart and life.
As you allow My love to love others through you – you will step into the FAIL SAFE ZONE where everything you say and do becomes as effective as if I said it or did it. Why would you ever step out of or act other than in My love if a step out of love is a step into failure? Be strong in My love says God. Be resolute in My love. Be determined in My love and you will experience and see installed in your life a level of favor and anointing and glory that others have only imagined but will never know because they choose not to love!

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  • Idah Handiya says:

    I receive the breakthrough upon my life oh lord, may your will be done…. Thank you

  • Thank you Prophet Russ. Yes, God is saying this loud and clear, break every chain with My love. I Am is Love! You are so tapped into God’s heart going out to His people to take new ground for the Kingdom and to consecrate what has already been taken. February is God’s pouring out time of His fresh infusion of Love! Thank you!