The Breakthrough Prophetic Word – February 2016 (Video)

Breakthrough-Prophetic WordThis is the Breakthrough Prophetic Word for February 2016 – 2 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word.
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TRANSCRIPTION: The Father says today go first class all the way. I have not provided you with a second rate salvation – do not accept a second rate experience. That is not what you have been taught by the merchandisers of poverty and failure but you be a Father pleaser and adapt your thinking and your expectations to the scope of what I did for you on Calvary. I gave you heaven’s best. I gave you life and life more abundantly. No more half-baked dreams. No more survival strategies. No more listening to the endless dirges of poverty, disappointment and heart break. I want you to laugh. I want you to rejoice. I want your feet to be incapable of NOT dancing in delight at who I am in your life and what I am in your life and what that means on a daily basis.
So rise up and shaking off the social conditioning of corrupt Christian culture begin to think KINGDOM THOUGHTS. There is no room for sarcasm or pessimism or alarmist thinking in the kingdom. Those who market such viewpoints are BLIND LEADERS OF THE BLIND. Make up your mind to crawl out of the ditch of negativity and despair. Reject the theology of the gloom mongers who cannot see the Daystar arising in their hearts. Choose to see and know and delight in My goodness for that is your portion and that is the slice of heaven that I release to you now to go to heaven in!!!

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