Breakthrough Prophetic Word for December 2017

2 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for December 2017 a word of governance from on high is spoken into your life. TRANSCRIPTION: “…The Father says today set your affection on things above, not on things of earth. I am removing those things that can be shaken that those things that cannot be shaken will remain. Make your choice this day to be among those that remain says the Father – by putting your attention upon who I am and what I am doing in the earth and in your life this day. Move into this season with your heart set on Me. I will keep you in perfect peace when you focus on the fact that I am your stay and I am your confidence in the midst of times of upheaval and instability.
Do not allow the enemy to take credit for what I am doing. Do not confuse a father’s discipline with demonic activity. Those that I love I will rebuke and chasten. Do you trust Me? Then go low and worship. Do not put your hand or your mouth on what I am doing. Do not put yourself in conflict with what I am purposing to do by taking any glory for yourself or diverting the message to the benefit of the small minded who attempt to aggrandize themselves in the midst of the sovereign moving of My hand in the earth.
The outcome will be life and peace says the Father. The raging waves of the sea, the wandering stars of lost humanity are perishing in their own shame, but I will keep your heart entrusted to My sovereign hand. Let your tongue cleave to the roof of your mouth. Run into the strong tower of My name and wait upon Me till the arrows that fly by day and the scourge that stalks at midnight is overpast and I bring you forth on your feet and moving forward in all that I have planned for you says God…”

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