Are you a Man or a Mannequin?

Explosive Manhood: The Fight for Your Soul

The Edge:

Are you a man or a mannequin? In my 20s, I heard a men’s minister make the following provocative statement: “Manhood isn’t given, it is taken!” In a culture that coddles and confuses, this statement cuts like a knife. It’s a primal roar, a call to arms. Manhood isn’t a participation trophy. It’s a battleground where only the ferocious survive. But what does it mean to “take” manhood? It’s not about physical strength or dominance over others. It’s about taking responsibility for yourself and those around you. It’s about facing challenges head-on and not shying away from difficult situations. It’s about standing up for what is right, even when it’s unpopular or uncomfortable.

Taking manhood also means understanding the importance of emotional intelligence and vulnerability. Real men are not afraid to show their emotions or seek help when needed. They understand that true strength comes from being able to connect with others on a deeper level and support them in times of need.

In a world that often defines manhood by narrow stereotypes and toxic masculinity, taking manhood means redefining what it means to be a man. It means breaking free from harmful expectations and embracing a more inclusive and compassionate version of masculinity.

So, to all the men out there, I challenge you to take your manhood. Stand tall, be brave, and lead with integrity. It’s not about being the loudest voice in the room or the strongest person in the fight. It’s about being true to yourself and living with purpose and intention. Manhood may not be given, but it can certainly be taken with courage and grace.

The Provocation:

Are you a man or a mannequin? A warrior or a worrier? God hasn’t called you to be a gelding or a “Steadman” to Oprah’s Winfrey! You are called to be a man, defined and delimited by what God says about you, not what a woman thinks about you (good or bad!). Society tries to neuter us, to pacify us. But deep down, we crave the struggle, the fight for something bigger than ourselves. We are surrounded by messages telling us to conform, to fit in, to stay within the lines. But what if we embraced our inner warrior, our inner rebel? What if we took a stand for what we believe in, for what truly matters to us? The battle may be internal, external, or both, but the essence remains the same – we are fighting against the forces that seek to keep us small, quiet, and obedient.

As men, we are often taught to suppress our emotions, to hide our vulnerabilities, to toughen up and not show weakness. But what if true strength lies in embracing our emotions, in being vulnerable, in showing compassion and empathy towards others? What if being a man means being multidimensional, complex, and unafraid to fully embrace all aspects of our humanity?

The struggle is not just about external forces trying to control us, but also about the internal battles we face within ourselves. We must confront our fears, our insecurities, our doubts, and find the courage to push through them. We must challenge the beliefs and expectations that have been imposed upon us, and create our own path, our own definition of what it means to be a man.

So, are you a man, or a mannequin? A warrior, or a worrier? The choice is yours. Embrace the struggle, embrace the fight for something bigger than yourself. Stand tall, speak your truth, and never back down. Be a warrior in a world that tries to make you a mannequin.

The Explosion:

It’s time to detonate the lies. Manhood isn’t about being ‘nice’ or ‘sensitive.’ It’s about taking responsibility, embracing the pain, and fighting for what’s right. It’s about seizing your destiny, not waiting for it to be handed to you.As men, we need to redefine what it means to be masculine in today’s society. It’s not about conforming to outdated stereotypes or trying to fit into a narrow box of expectations. True manhood is about being authentic, vulnerable, and open to growth and change.

One crucial aspect of manhood is resilience. It’s about being able to weather the storm, roll with the punches, and bounce back stronger than before. It’s about facing adversity head-on and not backing down in the face of challenge.

Another important theme in manhood is accountability. It’s about owning up to our mistakes, taking responsibility for our actions, and striving to do better. It’s about recognizing our impact on others and working to be a positive force in the world.

Courage is also a key component of manhood. It’s about standing up for what we believe in, even when it’s difficult or unpopular. It’s about having the strength to act with integrity and conviction, no matter the consequences.

Ultimately, manhood is about constantly striving to be the best version of ourselves. It’s about being true to who we are, while also pushing ourselves to grow and evolve. It’s about being a pillar of strength, compassion, and leadership in our communities and in the world. So let’s detonate the lies and redefine manhood for a new generation.

Explosive Action Points:

  • Identify the Enemy: Who or what is trying to steal your manhood? Is it fear? Comfort? A toxic relationship? Name it, and then declare war.
  • Embrace the Grind: Manhood is forged in the fire. Hit the gym, pursue a challenging goal, and refuse to quit when things get tough.
  • Protect Your Tribe: Real men defend their families, their friends, and their values. Be a shield against the darkness, a beacon of strength.
  • Take Massive Action: Don’t wait for permission or the ‘perfect’ moment. Step up, speak out, and lead the charge.

Explosive Prayer:

Lord, ignite a fire in my soul. Give me the courage to fight for my manhood, to seize my destiny. I refuse to be passive, to be a victim. I will take what is rightfully mine. Amen.


This isn’t a call to aggression or violence. It’s a call to reclaim your power, your purpose. It’s a call to become the man you were born to be.

So, what are you waiting for? The battle for your manhood starts now.

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