Announcing the Jericho Drive: a Coast to Coast Prophetic Initiative

DATE: 10/23/2012 – (read below for progress, events, and praise reports of this year long assignment). Prophets Russ and Kitty have launched on a COAST to COAST prophetic assignment! Here you will find a journal and a report of where they have travelled this year and what great things God has done. UPDATE! The JERICHO DRIVE now BECOMES the GLOBAL PROPHETIC INITIATIVE as Russ and Kitty move into new assignments including taking the prophetic to 12 nations in the coming year. We hope you will partner with us in that exciting work!

Where are Russ and Kitty right now?


The Jericho Drive has reached its conclusion with the SHOUT the SHOUT Conference in Branson on the 12th of October. The conference was well attended, including the board of directors of Father’s Heart Ministry who flew in from all over the country. This assignment began last October. Russ and Kitty gave up their home, liquidated all their possessions and went out by automobile into the nation to preach, teach and prophesy. They met, ministered and made friends and new family from coast to coast. They ministered in 66 cities overall, conducting meetings in hotel venues, churches, small groups and even one on one meetings. The results have been life changing for those whose lives were touched.

Russ and Kitty want to EXPRESS their thanks with those who have partnered with us to make this assignment a reality. This is the first year of a three year assignment. First they were to go to the nation. Next year we plan to go to the NATION(S) plural to continue the ministry of breaking down illegitimate authority and proclaiming the message of Christ in YOU the hope of Glory.

So what of the Jericho Drive? The JERICHO DRIVE now transitions to a broader scope with the GLOBAL PROPHETIC INITIATIVE. We will be posting more on this in the coming days. The Global Prophetic Initiative is tasked to go to at least 12 nations in 12 months next year and to launch a campaign of activation and training to raise up 1000 people to prophetic office. We look forward to your participation with great excitement!

Join us on October 12th for the final conference of the Jericho Drive. We will meet in Branson, Missouri (see home page for details). Thank you God for an awesome 66 city tour of the US. We travelled the country to teach, preach, and prophesy. The Father pulled down illegitimate authority and activated the Christ, who Jesus is in the hearts of many, many people.

Update October 4th, 2013

Washington DC

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Portland Maine:

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Nashville, TN:

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Update 9/11/2013

Update 9/5/2013

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The meeting in Portland was powerful. We also made acquaintance with Pastor Darren Farmer. Darren is from England and has planted a church in Portland that is moving in the Spirit and open to the prophetic. This is a real breakthrough. Our host Rhonda Lee and her daughters CeCe and Simone were awesome and the Father really showed up at Rhonda’s home to drop a prophetic mantle upon her for the city. We know that it is transformation time for Rhonda and her family and Caroline in this city. We expect great things. After Portland we went to Keene MA and met with Bob Korpi. Bob is an older gentleman who has been walking in the move of the Spirit for decades and seen a lot of history that we usually only hear about. We came away from Keene charged and encouraged as we progress toward Laurel Maryland for our next assignment.

Update 9/5/2013

6:55 p.m. 9/5/13 – Stop over in Worcester MA tonight after making our way through New York City and 9 hours of traffic. God has been so good to keep us safe in this assignment. Saw a massive and horrible injury accident on I-95. Tonight we settle in and review the St. Louis, Chicago, Lancaster meetings and pray over the time we will spend in Portland Maine.


Great meeting in Lancaster last night. It is such a BLESSING to meet people for the first time that we have been ministering to and loving for so long via our connection online. There was a great detonation of joy and anointing in the house and we rise early this morning ready to head toward Portland Maine with expectation of the goodness of God awaiting to be revealed there with our good friend and host Rhonda Lee.

Update 9/4/2013

Traveling from Chicago to Lancaster, PA took sometime and we stopped off to visit relatives in Correy, PA briefly. Arriving in Lancaster we met with our friends Joe Giesler for a personal meeting and also Andy Miller and Gabe and Alina Baker. All of these folks are determined believers pressing in to the heart of God for their lives. Today (9/4) we meet in the evening for a capacity meeting of Prophetic sharing and ministry.

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Update 8/28/2013


Update: The meeting in Chicago was met with a powerful storm front that came through. Even three lines of public transportation ground to a halt and Jeremy Murray who came to the meeting described driving through a whirlwind atop a bridge because he was determined to make it to the meeting. God met us in Chicago! We met with many friends both old and new as well as new acquaintances. The Spirit of the Lord showed up with many accurate words of knowledge and prophetic words released over each person in the meeting. The teaching was on the Spirit of Python – the message was that the sky isn’t falling the Kingdom is Coming!  The meeting in St. Louis was great. We rested up today and caught up with some ministry correspondence. We will start out early in the morning for Chicago and a prophetic meeting scheduled there.

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Update 8/25/2013


The St. Louis meeting met all our expectations – we recorded it to share with you here:

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Leaving Branson, Missouri and headed to St. Louis early in the morning for a Prophetic Meeting there … registration is full not a seat left in the house! So pray for a safe trip, energy for the task and God moving in a special way for each person.


Screen Shot 2013-08-19 at 6.46.03 AMUpdate: Sallie Morton and her daughters came from Marshall Missouri to sit with us for a Prophetic Counseling time of ministry. These ladies are dear believers with a business in the Columbia Missouri area. It was a joy to wash their feet in the prophetic.

After a night’s stay in Republic and meeting with our friend and employee Denise Allsop we headed to Branson where Father’s Heart Ministry was born. We have many one on one ministry times scheduled as we prepare for the New England jaunt of the Jericho Drive.

August 2013


We spent this night in the town from whence the Jericho Drive began, in Republic Missouri. We met with our friend an employee Denise Allsop and spent several hours in a staff meeting taking care of business that needed to be conducted in person in behalf of the ministry. Our daughter Jennifer came over to say hello from her home nearby in Battlefield. With her was grandson Christian and granddaughter Autumn Rain. We worked and visited late in the night an headed out the next morning for Branson.

Stopped over in Joplin Missouri after driving up from Oklahoma City. In Oklahoma City we met with one of our mentors, Prophet Walter Waller and he gave a sweet word on audio for us to send to one of our board of directors. Walter is one of what Kitty calls the “Big Boy” prophets. It is really a privilege to connect with him and be considered his friend. For all of his depth and anointing he is self effacing enough to look across the table and ask what the Father is telling us. I’ve heard him say many times that the key to hearing the voice of God is relationship. There are no tricks or secrets – just relationship and intimacy with the Father. Today we meet with Pam Godsey – another dear friend who is currently taking our prophetic course. She is on her way to help a friend in Oklahoma and we are passing one another in transit – we headed east and she to the west. Looking forward to hugging her neck.
Update: We met with Pam Godsey in the parking lot of the Flying J Travel Center (yep that’s right folks we PROPHESIED IN THE PARKING LOT!) Pam is a pillar in the prophetic community north of Springfield Missouri. We’ve known her for several years now and she is a woman of unimpeachable character in Christ and true humility. It was an honor to prophesy to her as the 18 wheelers came in and out of the travel plaza and we washed her feet in the prophetic.


On of the components of the Jericho Drive has been to testify to a coming outpouring of God called the I-70 outpouring. Kenneth Hagin Sr. spoke of this before his death and many others that I move of God was on the way that would track from Denver to St. Louis. We held the Golden Conference in July to speak to this move of the Spirit and God did some powerful things. We have already ministered in St. Louis but are returning there with a specific emphasis on the I-70 Outpouring … we can’t make that move initiate but this part of the Jericho Drive is a testimony to this coming move of God.


We had a powerful conference in Golden Colorado at the end of July and after wrapping up in Colorado we headed BACK to Nevada to take care of some ministry business. We met once again with many of the wonderful people from our earlier time in Las Vegas. We ministered one on one with many – prophesying and ministering over them and giving them our undivided attention. It is our honor to wash the feet of the saints of God in the prophetic gifts.

Then on to New Mexico and a brief stop over in Gallup for a few days rest and ministry. Ahead for us we are going to Hays Kansas to begin a trek down the Denver – St. Louis I-70 corridor according to the word of the Lord about the I-70 outpouring. We don’t know that THIS is THAT but we are doing this a prophetic act to say clearly that there is coming a move of God’s Spirit in this area and we intended to testify of it and be a part of it as God permits.

July 2013

Screen Shot 2013-07-26 at 11.16.20 AMWe looked with anticipation to the part of the Jericho Drive that took us to Colorado. The Lord spoke to us over a year ago about a prophesied outpouring of the Spirit of God that would be known as the I-70 Outpouring. Interesting enough our friend back in our home area Don Matison had a vision of this years ago. Don isa Papa Apostle with many years in ministry. When traveling in ministry in Kansas he saw a vision of a pillar of fire over Kansas. God told us this Outpouring would begin just west of Denver and flow down the I-70 corridor to St. Louis. See the pictures that Don had created years ago that show a revival of glory in the Kansas Area.

We travelled through the northern route over the Rockies and down to Buena Vista. We stopped over there to visit and minister to family and friends there. While inScreen Shot 2013-07-26 at 11.43.50 AM Buena Vista we prophesied to a young pastor’s son whose dad had been pushed out of his church a few years before. We gave the word of the Lord to the young man and sent word to his dad that God wasn’t through with him yet in Buena Vista. We attended a meeting with Johnny Foote in a struggling little full gospel church on the back side of town as well. We had never heard Johnny and come to find out the pastor was an acquaintance of a prophetic minister we knew years ago by the name of Ira Milligan. Russell’s brother and wife drove over from Cripple Creek to attend this meeting as well.

Screen Shot 2013-07-26 at 11.46.43 AMWhen we left Buena Vista we spent several days with our ministry supporter and friend Wende Prettyman. God showed us a year ago that Wende would be a part of the I-70 outpouring and we are expecting that will be so. We then moved to a cabin just northwest of GoldenColorado. God has also supernaturally given us indication that special things would happen in Golden when we visited there. We did not realize till we put the address in GPS that the cabin we stayed in was a GOLDEN address.


After settling in the cabin we traveled to a weekend meeting in Gypsum Colorado hosted by Rowdy and Karen Hobbs. We sat out under the stars and taught, Karen-and-Rowdy-1

prophesied and enjoyed a time of worship. The spirit of camaraderie and love of God was very strong in this gathering. Rowdy and Karen are an awesome couple in the Lord and we look forward to being with them again.

Pagosa-Matt-Lord-03Our next meeting was in Pagosa Springs. While we waited for the date for this gathering we connected with Russell’s brother Randall who is an anointed psalmist who prophesies on the piano. We arranged for him to come and minister in the conference we had planned for the 20th at the Hampton in Golden. It was a LONG drive to Pagosa Springs. Our host Matt Lord and his family were VERY gracious and the group that gathers was hungry for God and pulling the anointing of the prophetic out of us as we ministered. We released a mantle to Matt and spoke activation of his prophetic gifting to come forth by the power of God.

DSC04045As the time for the Golden conference drew near we moved from the cabin to a hotel near the conference venue. We were joined by Prophet Tim Fox and our dear friend and administrative assistant Denise Allsop. The Golden meeting was everything we expected it to be and the Lord showed up in unique ways by which we were anointed to prophesy over every person in the small group that gathered to be with us.

At the end of the conference we finished our business in Colorado and headed to Las Vegas to take care of some personal matters while we prepared to come back to I70 in Kansas and move toward Kansas City down the I70 toward St. Louis.

June 2013


Colorado and the I-70 Outpouring:
In May we made acquaintance with many new friends in the Las Vegas area. This city is looked on with disdain where the Bible belt buckles but let me tell you there are many sweet and deep believers who are hungry for God and open to His voice. It was our privilege to meet many of them and we look forward to revisiting again soon (maybe real soon!). Now on to Colorado. We have many friends and supporters in Colorado and coincidently several family members as well. We look forward to what God has for us there including a conference in Golden, Colorado in July – TBA.
Our first stop in Colorado was Grand Junction where we broadcast a message in the fruits of the Spirit series. This particular message was about the JOY OF GOD that arises not from fortuitous circumstances but from the fullness of God in your life:

After Grand Junction we made our way to Buena Vista in the gathering dark driving through some pretty treacherous territory. We came to Buena Vista hosted by Rex and Karen Armstrong and their son Josh (Kitty’s relatives). While in Buena Vista we ministered to a young music minister and prophesied over his pastor father who had been through a rough transition to a new start up church. In Buena Vista we took advantage of the beautiful valley scenery to broadcast a teaching in the fruits of the Spirit on the Peace of God. Peace is not the absence of conflict, peace is a fruit of the Spirit.

After leaving Buena Vista we travelled across the mountains to Evergreen to stay in the home of our host Wende Prettyman. Wende was selected by God to receive the Mantle for the Denver area and after a week of sharing the word and prophetic ministry the mantle was released. We know Wende has a powerhouse destiny in God and we look forward to her participation in the Golden Conference.  While at Evergreen we broadcast the lesson on PATIENCE as a FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT:

As of this update we are holding steady getting prepared to transition to Golden and begin preparation for the Golden conference and we believe the beginning of the I-70 outpouring. We had hoped to minister in a prophetic small group in Longmont but were restrained by the Spirit from doing so. The entire trip has been this way as we have so appreciated over 85 invitations that we were not able to respond to but continue listening to the Spirit of God and keep obeying his purposes.

May 2013


The month of May took us from powerful meetings in Redding to SIN CITY! The only thing is that God has something else to say about Las Vegas. What others have claimed God will NEVER do hear will in fact be JUST WHAT GOD WILL DO because GOD is GOD and He can do anything He wants anytime He wants and He doesn’t have to check with anybody!
Our host in Las Vegas is Phebe Huntsman. Phebe is a retired teacher who along with her son opened their home to us and have served and loved us like their own family. As we settled in the ministry opportunities opened and we scheduled several prophetic small groups and yet (Mid-May) have quite a few one on one appointments and assignments before us. At Mollie Bowman’s home we prophesied in two very receptive small groups. Our good friend Maureen Wilson arranged for a small group in the home of Ann Castro where we met their friend Carina and shared on dreams and prophetic interpretation. Ann was so gracious to Kitty and Russ showering them with love and treating them to a traditional Shabat meal from a Messianic context (see pictures).
We ministered in many small groups, met with pastors and leaders and preached, taught and prophesied to dozens. A prophetic small group at Gloria and John Lundvall was powerful and we made many new friends. Our friend Evelyn Wong shared many of her friends with us at a Korean restaurant. It was particularly a blessing to strike up a friendship with Eric and Addy a very sweet and prophetic couple. We ministered in the home of Wanda Farrington as well. The Ford family travelled from Phoenix to Las Vegas for several meetings that were a great blessing to minister to these entrepreneurial young people who love God with all their heart. We also ministered in the home of Benjamin and Janice Tice and Ron and Joni Reid. When we met Ron and Joni we knew they were the couple to receive the mantle of blessing that was appointed for Las Vegas. We hope to connect with all our Las Vegas friends again soon.
Las Vegas is full of sights and sounds but more importantly it is full of hungry people needing and desiring the breakthrough that comes through prophetic ministry and activation. Kitty and I are honored to come and wash the feet of the saints in Las Vegas.

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April 2013


April 25th – 28th in Redding California

In Redding Prophets Russ and Kitty rejoiced to spend time ministering with their dear friend Prophet Tim Fox. Tim introduced us to the pastor of The Stirring a strong and dynamic church in Redding and they also visited Bill Johnson’s church as well. There were several one on one prophetic sessions and a powerful prophetic meeting where Russ shared several resurrection experiences where he saw the dead raised and dramatic miracles take place. They also rejoiced to get better acquainted with Prophet Brian Clothey and his fiance Lydia – they hope to work further with this young and deeply anointed couple.

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April 20th – 22nd – Prophetic Meetings in Los Angeles


In Los Angeles Russ and Kitty were hosted by a dear friend, Pam Rice. Pam is a woman of deep wisdom with a rich history in the Vineyard movement. She was a contemporary with leaders such as Ken Gulikson and John Wimber and many others. Russ and Kitty count Pam as a trusted advisor and counseling in their lives and truly drank from the anointing in Pam’s life while staying in her home in LA. While there it was an honor to minister to Pam’s friends in a few intimate meetings that have been a highlight of the Jericho Drive thus far.

April 15th – 19th Prophetic Meetings in Phoenix Arizona


In Phoenix Prophets Russ and Kitty were honored to wash the feet of a awesome family in the kingdom of God. Their host was Beth Ford and her lovely family. The Father truly moved and spoke to each of them including Beth’s brother and sister-in-law Will and Vanessa who are pastors in Los Angeles. There are times connections are made that go beyond sweet fellowship into kingdom purpose and the time spent with the Fords in Phoenix was truly described as this.

April 12 – 14 – Prophetic Meetings in St. Louis Missouri:


Prophet’s Russ and Kitty Walden ministered in two prophetic meetings in the city of St. Louis. The Father spoke at the beginning of the Jericho Drive that there would be a move of God called the I-70 Outpouring that would culminate in the St. Louis area. Our hosts were Bart and Sue Druckenmiller and in our second meeting Terika Smith.

April 6 – 12 Springfield Missouri: a Brief Stopover in Our Home Area:

The morning we left Oklahoma City we spent time ministering one on one to two different friends of the ministry over breakfast. God is working in people’s lives folks and if you will listen to the direction of God in your heart He will walk you in to His breakthrough for your life. Leaving breakfast we were off across the prairie to our home area to register our vehicle, renew our driver’s licenses and greet and celebrate with our friends in the Southwest Missouri area. This meeting will take place on Thursday the 11th and you can register to attend this meeting HERE.

April 4-5 The Jericho Drive arrives in Oklahoma City for a Prophetic Conference:


Returning from the interview in Miami with the Travel Channel we landed in OKC and headed straight for the Hilton Garden Inn where we planned to do a prophetic meeting on Friday night. The staff had to bring extra chairs in for us twice as the meeting was well attended. We have lots of friends and supporters in the Oklahoma area and it was a super blessing to hug the necks of people we knew but had never met face to face and also to greet again those who had been driving up to our Missouri conferences. In this meeting the Lord released a word on the BRIDAL SEASON of GOD that was timely and attended by an awesome anointing and presence of God.
Our friend and mentor Walter Waller was at this meeting and prophesied and ministered to the group and individuals with great power. Illegitimate authorities and curses were broken over the people when Prophet Kitty prayed and the angels were in attendance with signs of the Father’s presence through out the evening.

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April 2-3 – Interview with the Travel Channel in Miami Florida


While we were ministering in the Atlanta area we were invited on Atlanta Live a Christian program out of that city. The program aired to a viewership of 4 million we were informed. The week before this opportunity we were contacted by the Travel Channel and asked to do an interview on the Spirit of Python in connection with programming they were producing about the Florida everglades. The interview was set for Miami Florida and filmed in a beautiful and quaint Lutheran church building near Biscayne Bay. The production company flew us in out of Oklahoma City and then back to OKC the next day. The Spirit of the Lord showed up and the connection we felt with this affable Canadian film crew was heaven-arranged. One of the crew said after that they received an instant healing the moment the interview began. After Miami we spent the night at the Double-Tree Grand on Biscayne Bay and flew back to OKC where our car was waiting in the parking structure. What an adventure! The program is Mysteries of National Parks and will air next year.

March 28th through April 2nd Leaving Houston and on to Abilene Texas


At the end of March we said goodbye to Dr. Rosie and Tracie Schilling in Houston and headed toward our next stop in Abilene Texas. We stopped along the way in San Antonio for a few days rest and really enjoyed it. We thought that San Antonio was ONLY for recreation but God had a different idea. As we were enjoying the Riverwalk we encountered a parade moving along the street declaring a theme of HISPANIC JUSTICE which was exactly the word of the Lord God gave us to the Hispanic community first in West Palm Beach and then in Houston in front of a television viewing audience of 30 million. It was very affirming and a great blessing.


Leaving San Antonio we made the jaunt to Abilene and found out they pipe cell phone connections through smoke signals out on the prairie (smile). We had a wonderful visit with Bevie and Teresa Jackson who invited us and had an awesome time of connection and ministry with this lovely couple.

March 2013

The Month of March took Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden from Huntsville Alabama to Maryville, TN through Nashville and Hattiesburg, MS then on to Houston Texas and finally turning to the month of April in Abilene Texas. In the midst of that time we ministered in groups both small and large including a viewing audience of 30 million on Hispanic Christian Television out of Houston. We want to THANK all those who participated with us and hosted us in their homes and those who are partnering with the Jericho Drive and praying for us daily. We go into April looking to Springfield, St. Louis, Phoenix and on to California. We ask for your prayers and thank you for your support. Check here often for updates … GOD BLESS!

March 18th – April 1st in Houston Texas with Tracie Schilling in Sugarland and Rosalys Martinez in Richmond Texas

Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden arrived in a KINGDOM CYCLONE of activation and prophetic impartation. Their first host was Tracie Schilling who so generously shared her friends and her home with us for several days. We rejoiced to spend time with her beautiful daughter Rebecca and many of her friends including Gary Adam – an AWESOME MAN OF GOD. Then we transfered to the home of Rosalys Martinez and her two sweet sons Josh and Jacob. Our only regret was not getting to see Rosie’s husband Dr. Alan who was away at work up north. In Rosie’s care we met and prophesied to Apostle Hector Gueverra and also conducted our first Hispanic Prophetic Small Group. As of this posting we are going into two full days of ministry on Vida Vision TV and ministering on Wednesday evening in Pastor Hector’s church nearby. Video to follow!

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At Dr. Rosalys Martinez-Thorne’s home Prophets Russ and Kitty shared an awesome word in the prophetic. Below is the audio of that bi-lingual prophetic gathering:

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March 16th – 17th in Hattiesburg Mississippi with Pastors Marcus and Joy Camp


When the Father commissioned us to the Jericho Drive He told us we would be DISMANTLING ILLEGITIMATE AUTHORITIES and releasing NEW MANTLES. As a prophetic act He instructed us to make 12 mantles and give them to those He instructed. In Hattiesburg last night the Father told us to give one of these mantles to this powerful couple in Hattiesburg Mississippi. Marcus and Joy Camp stepped out a year ago to build a NEW work that has all the characteristics of the Asuza street outpouring of over 100 years ago. It was an HONOR and a PRIVILEGE to pray over this couple and their wonderful people. You can keep your eye on Hattiesburg because the Father is DOING something SPECIAL there and Marcus and Joy are RIGHT IN THE MIDST!

March 9th – 13th in the Nashville Tennessee with Host Carla McCombs


It is a holy time in Nashville on the Jericho Drive. God is moving to connect and mend and bless lives in a strategic way. It is God##Q##s nature to bless and He is showing up in the city of Nashville through our friends Cindy Loflin, Carla McCombs, Rob and Robin Atkins and many others. We ministered on Sunday with Dony and Reba Maguire. These two powerhouse believers and principalities and powers in this city. God is so good!

March 4th through the 8th in Maryville Tennessee with Host Lisa Brassler:


During the course of these few days Russ and Kitty were blessed to minister prophetically over several people including a sweet and precious number of young people full of promise and potential. The goodness of God was expressed as their destinies and character were articulated in prophetic words over each one. Thank you so much Lisa Brassler for your hospitality and for so generously sharing your friends and family with us. It was our honor and privilege to speak into their lives.

March 1st and 2nd in Hunstville, Alabama


After leaving Birmingham Alabama we drove a short way to Huntsville for a powerful weekend of the love of God and His prophetic voice with Ray and Carol Gressett. Ray arranged ahead of time for our lodging and also for a conference room where a group of people from the area gathered for three hours of prophetic sharing and gifting from Prophets Russ and Kitty.

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February 2013

February 28th, in Birmingham, Alabama – Prophetic Meeting with Pastor Connie Boulangger and Beth and Lemois Williams:


On Friday night the 28th Russ and Kitty ministered in a prophetic gathering in the home of Beth and Lemoise Williams. As is their custom they released prophecies to each person in attendance and Kitty shared on BREAKING THE VOW OF POVERY – a powerful impartation and activation of the transfer of the wealth!

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February 24-26 in Atlanta, Georgia – Prophetic Meeting – Fish Tank House Church and Television Appearance on Atlanta Live with James and Regina Howard!


Wow! Such an awesome meeting I feel like saying it backwards: WOW! RIDE the CHAOS into the KINGDOM! On February 24th Prophets Russ and Kitty ministered in the FISH TANK in Atlanta Georgia hosted by in the house church hosted by Will and Loralee Douglas and Alan and Cheryl Deakins. We were also privileged to go on ATLANTA LIVE! with James and Regina Howard … what a blessing!

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February 20th in Thomaston, Georgia – Prophetic Meeting and Vine and Branches House Church

georgia postcard

On February 20th Prophets Russ and Kitty conducted a Prophetic Meeting in the house church hosted by Leigh and Sonny Barfoot of Thomaston Georgia. The house was overflowing and the Holy Spirit was present to stand up and TESTIFY through the Spirit of Prophecy to those gathered.

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February 18th in McDonough, Georgia – A POWERFUL Prophetic Meeting!

On February 18th Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden were invited to the home of Raymond and Linda Vega for a Prophetic Small Group. The house was full and the Holy Spirit showed up in the DEMONSTRATION of the SPIRIT. Everyone present received a powerful prophetic word as the meeting r an late into the evening. Thank you so much Raymond and Linda for your hospitality and willingness to make your home GROUND ZERO in the prophetic initiative of the Father!

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February 9th – 12th, in Sumter, SC and Augusta, Georgia


Kitty and Russ feel like the “DRIVE-BY PROPHETS” after a long day on the road from Myrtle Beach, SC to Augusta Georgia. They left Myrtle Beach in the rain and drove to Sumter a few hours away to meet with Barbara Ann. Barbara is a supporter of the ministry who attended Rhema University and demonstrates a real maturity in prophetic understanding. Sitting in the IHOP (Hey! Russ and Kitty ministered at IHOP! … er, the PANCAKE HOUSE that is <smile>) they took out their recorder and prophesied over Barbara Ann and sent a word to her daughter Natalie. Barbara had a sweet anecdote about her grand daughter speaking in tongues when she was listening to Russ praying in the spirit in a teaching. This is part of what the Jericho Drive is all about – to connect and be accessible. We could have scheduled larger conferences around the country but we want to connect and be accessible for quality one on one ministry as much as possible.

In Augusta Georgia Russ and Kitty checked into their hotel and in the evening met with a group of people from around the area at a local Denny##Q##s. The staff was very accommodating to make room for Russ and Kitty to prophesy as patrons came in and out around them. They prophesied to Yolanda Jacobs and her mother Pearly Johnson and Aunt Hettie Dobson. They were also joined by Destiny and Valerie Mezaros and her friend Tim. It  was so powerful to speak prophetically into the lives of these loving believers right in the middle of the restaurant scene as the Spirit of God showed up and ministered to all. The Spirit of God will not be confined to the After-glow room in the back of the church or in some polite out of the way corner.

February 8th – 10th, in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

On Sunday the 10th we met in Myrtle Beach with Prophet Wayne Sutton who lives in the area. Wayne has been online with his prophetic ministry for some time and it was our privilege to pray with him and fellowship at the table sharing the good things of God and the wonderful experiences he has had in prophetic ministry. As we prepared to leave God spoke to us that Wayne was the recipient of one of the 12 Mantles we were to give out in prayer in our Jericho Drive. These Mantles are configured by God to activate who Jesus is in your life – to ACTIVATE the CHRIST IN YOU. On top of that we did this in the parking lot at the Denny##Q##s restaurant. This is the second time Russ and Kitty gave ordination to a PARKING LOT PROPHET in the PARKING LOT! Are we HAVING FUN NOW!!!

The evening before we left Columbia South Carolina we imparted a second of 12 Mantles the Father instructed us to give out this year. The first mantle went to Rosy Thorne who subsequently saw a major cancer miracle for her husband Alan (see front page of the website). The second Mantle was imparted to Vernishia Robinson our hostess in Columbia, SC. The mantles are configured by God to be a point of contact to activate who Jesus is in your life! We drove in to Myrtle Beach this morning with a stay provided for by one of our supporters (thank you very much you know who you are). We are planning to meet with a fellow prophetic minister this weekend a brother who moves in the prophetic in a ministry gifting similar to what God has called Kitty and I to do.

February 3rd in Cayce, South Carolina

Ministered in a prophetic small group in the home of our friend Nancy Drew and her daughters Jessica and Laura. The young people that gathered were hungry and receptive – and the Father did not fail to speak into their lives and minister toward the destiny of each one. An awesome and powerful night of the prophetic!

February 1 – 2 in Columbia, South Carolina


Enjoying the wonderful hospitality of our hostess Vee. Had a wonderful night##Q##s rest and a nice breakfast. Collaborated with a prophet friend in Redding by phone and interpreted a dream for a friend in Springfield, Missouri  Going tonight to minister to a friend and her family in Cayce, South Carolina


From Santa Rosa Beach Florida to Columbia, SC – the Ongoing Jericho Drive:

January 31st – Savannah, Georgia


Passing through Savannah  Georgia on our way to Columbia, South Carolina. Ministered by phone to brothers and sisters in New York, Kansas City and Atlanta. Took an afternoon to visit the River-walk and have a meal together. God is so good to keep us safe on the road and move us on to our next assignment.
The Lord spoke to us over a year ago to begin to minister through prophetic counseling by phone. It never ceases to amaze us the level of anointing that just increases exponentially during these sessions. When who Jesus is in us connects with who Jesus is in the person on the other end of the line – there is an explosion of agreement that brings a shift in circumstances and activates who that person is in Christ.
When I##Q##m done ministering in these calls (sometimes lasting over an hour) it takes awhile to unwind with my heart burning with the anointing. Leaving our hotel and walking down by the water in this quaint shopping district was a wonderful break to spend time with each other and enjoy the day.

January 30th – One on One with Derrick and Laquanda Frazier

While the tornado sirens blared all around us God showed up big time as Russ and Kitty prophetically “main veined” this wonderful couple – defining their future and broadcasting into their destiny for over two hours at the local McDonalds (of all places)!

January 21, 2013  – Skype Meeting with House Church in Eustis, Florida


On Monday January 21st we had a MAJOR FIRST – a Skype Meeting with House Church Leaders Geoffrey and Pam Bunnell and Cheri and Don Hartman. They have planted a vision for house church that we expect to launch forward in a major activation of the gifts of God in these awesome couples!

January 5th, 2013 Seagrove Beach, Florida:

On January 5th we conducted our first GLOBAL COMMUNION live over uSTREAM (link at right). We had over 300 people signed up from all over the world. The time we had with the Lord was real and tangible. We will do this again:

December 30th, 2012 West Palm Beach, Florida:

The Jericho Drive started with a ministry trip to West Palm Beach, Florida. Russ and Kitty spoke to a Hispanic church full of sweet and dear believers. They had been asked to “impart the prophetic word to the Hispanic Community”. Here is the video of the word that was given:

Below is the announcement Pastors Elias and Angelita sent out. Alan and Rosie Thorne organized this meeting and we are so grateful for the honor of bringing the prophetic word to these wonderful and loving people:

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Other Comments

  • I have been combing your website and listening to everything I can. Although I haven’t made my way all the way through yet, I am very excited about what God has called you to do. Thank you for sharing your journey and enlightening me with God’s Word and may He bless the work of your hands. I’ll stay tuned!

  • Theresa Jackson says:

    Yaull are such an adorable couple! Cute, cute, cute! God bless you both! Am sending donation when I get my check! Can’t wait to meet you both! Love , sister Theresa Jackson