Anne Gimenez – Honoring One of God’s Generals

Anne Gimenez, a remarkable woman of God, was born into a challenging world during the Great Depression. Her existence could have easily been snuffed out if abortions had been legalized in the 1930s. Anne’s father, burdened by financial hardships, told her mother to get rid of the unborn child. However, her mother’s unwavering faith in God led her to refuse her husband’s demands and cry out to the Almighty for protection.

On November 26, 19XX, Anne was born, marked to be a vessel for God’s work. Throughout her teenage years, Anne felt the call of God on her life, particularly during a powerful encounter at the altar where Pastor Garlon Pemberton prophesied over her. This revelation ignited a deeper desire in Anne’s heart to preach God’s word. As a young woman, Anne was given the opportunity to lead worship services, which served as a training ground for her future ministry. Standing before the congregation, she learned to speak publicly, pray without inhibitions, and prophesy under God’s guidance.

At the tender age of nineteen, Anne was ordained by Pastor Hodge, a renowned figure in the Pentecostal and Full Gospel circles across Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. Her first preaching opportunity came at a Friday night youth service at the Tabernacle. As her ministry expanded, Anne faced opposition from those within the church who believed that gender disqualified women from certain roles. Despite relentless criticism, Anne firmly defended her calling, stating that one day she would answer to God for her obedience to His plans for her life.

Anne’s anointed ministry opened doors for her to preach extensively, both nationally and internationally. She traveled as an evangelist, visiting large camp meetings throughout the United States and Canada. In 1967, Anne married John Gimenez, and together they embarked on a journey to spread the Gospel. Anne principally took on the role of preaching, while John shared his powerful testimony. Their impactful ministry brought them to the attention of a wider audience, including appearances on well-known Christian programs such as “The 700 Club.”

Eventually, the Gimenezes settled in the Virginia Beach area, where they founded the Rock Church and established ministries for drug addicts, unwed mothers, and the homeless. They also initiated the Washington for Jesus Rallies in D.C., rallying Christian leaders like Dr. Pat Robertson and Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ to unite in prayer and worship.

In 2007, the Gimenezes celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in Paris, France. However, their joy was short-lived when John complained of stomach pain upon their return. After being hospitalized, he was diagnosed with colon cancer. Sadly, on February 12, 2008, John suffered a massive stroke and passed away, leaving Anne to navigate a new phase of life and ministry without her beloved husband by her side. Seeking solace and reflecting on her original calling as a young woman, Anne returned to Corpus Christi, Texas, where God had first spoken to her.

On May 8, 2008, Anne was consecrated as Bishop over the Rock Ministerial Fellowship, succeeding her late husband. The medallion placed around her neck held deep significance as it was the same one used by John. This consecration brought a distinct anointing upon her life, filling her with a sense of purpose and freedom. As Bishop, Anne no longer struggled to be accepted or questioned her place in ministry. She was free to fulfill God’s will without hindrance, both ministry and travel were now under God’s guidance.

Within two months of becoming Bishop, Anne took a trip overseas to visit affiliated churches in the Ivory Coast and Liberia. Simultaneously, she continued to lead and pastor the Rock Church International Fellowship, guiding the congregation with her fervent faith and wise counsel.

However, in January 2010, Anne’s life took an unexpected turn during an ocean cruise with members of the Rock Ministerial Fellowship. Despite her improved health, Anne fell ill, and upon returning to Ft. Lauderdale, she was rushed to a local hospital. Her condition quickly deteriorated, leading doctors to fear for her life. Prayer warriors from around the world interceded on her behalf, believing in the miraculous power of God to bring restoration to her failing body. After eighteen days in a medically-induced coma and major organ failures, Anne miraculously emerged from her comatose state. Though her legs remained paralyzed, signs of progress began to show.

Following her awakening, Anne was transferred to a facility specialized in rehabilitation, determined to regain her ability to walk. She faced challenges during her recovery, even battling pneumonia. Despite the obstacles, Anne persevered with the unwavering faith that had guided her throughout her life. She returned to Virginia Beach on July 4th, Independence Day – a fitting testament to her resilience and determination – and she once again stood before a congregation to share the word of God. The joyful applause and shouts of rejoicing from the congregation served as a powerful affirmation of God’s faithfulness and Anne’s undying commitment to her calling.

Anne firmly believes that her life was spared for a purpose. She recognizes that her ability to lay hands on the next generation and send them forth as God’s servants is a divine responsibility. Anne’s desire is to see the Gospel extended to the farthest reaches of the earth, and she dedicates her life to training and equipping young ministers to carry out this mission.

In conclusion, Anne Gimenez’s life has been a testament to God’s faithfulness and miraculous intervention. From the moment her life was spared in the womb to her impactful ministry alongside her late husband, Anne has walked in God’s calling with unwavering conviction. Regardless of the challenges she faced along the way, she has remained steadfast in her faith, emerging stronger and more determined to fulfill God’s purpose for her life. As she continues to impact lives and empower the next generation of ministers, Anne Gimenez stands as a true inspiration, a living testimony of God’s grace and provision.

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