Angels are Moving Now in Your Situation!

I hear the Father say this:

The angels are pressing into your life this day. They are pressing into the glory that I have placed on the inside of you, for it is My glory that attracts angel activity in your life. I made you a little lower than angels and set My name upon you and My glory in you, that you might never be alone or left out or excluded in any way.

Angel armies are moving strategically to lift the enemy’s oppression against you and open doors of opportunity – rare and unusual doors of opportunity for blessing, increase and upgrade in your life. Get ready for the unique, says the Father. Get ready for the unusual and even strange things at times that will make others scratch their head and wonder. My hand is coming down upon you now, and the declaration is going out over you that you are My beloved and I have set the seal of My Spirit and My favor upon your life for good and not for evil.

Prophet Russ – I’m Stepping Into
Upgrade and Shift – Today!

The wicked one is now backing off, the angel of My presence is coming and you will sense His arrival in the shaking and the stirring in the depth of your being as I dislodge the enemy that would hold you back and release you, even catapult you over the obstacle, through the barriers that have held you into a new place of outcome and fulfillment, even the fulfillment of the long-standing promise you have held on to for some time. Promises of long ago are springing open to new life, says the Father. Those things that felt like they became dry and cracked leather, are now being moistened with the oil of My anointing for it is a new wineskin for a new vintage, a new thing that I am doing and you will taste and see and great will be the joy of it on your lips and in the innermost part of your being.

My kingdom is joy, says the Father, and now new joy is filling you. Darkness is fleeing. Heaviness is lifting. Despair is vanishing, and new life, expectation, and hope are filling in every empty place, and every desolate place in your situation. The wings of My glory and winnowing in the atmosphere around you blowing out the dust of disappointment and disgrace. Shame is no longer your portion, for My promise is being fulfilled, and you will see it and taste it as one who partakes of the low hanging fruit of My goodness in your mouth and on your lips and running down like sweetness on your chin in great satisfaction of spirit, says God. This is not the time of mourning, says the Father, for I am taking away the spirit of heaviness and ladening you with the yoke easy and the burden light. I say to you even again, says God – THIS IS WHERE IT GETS EASY!

Prophet Russ – Shame is No Longer My Portion!

Open the gift of heaven and receive a full measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, as the angels around you pour out of the bushel baskets of My treasures everything that is needed to fulfill and satisfy and complete you in the anointing and the mantling of My purpose. I am healing your body. I am moving in your relationships. I am funding your vision – the wealth of the nations is now at your disposal as financial miracles take place that are redefining your income bracket and causing debt to be destroyed and surplus to be your portion – for you are in business with me and in covenant with My throne for a total and complete measure of freedom from impoverishment in any form – THIS IS YOUR DAY!

This is Your Time, This is Your Turnaround Time,
You Will Not Be Disappointed!

Now, God says press into this word and make it your own. When you sow into a prophetic word, an activation of blessing takes place. Giving in to the anointing causes what that anointing carries to determine what happens next in your life. Step out in faith and see what God does. Now, what do you give? The scripture says as you purpose in your heart. Not as you purpose in your head but your heart. I know your need is significant; let me tell you something – a significant need requires a significant seed to break the enemy’s assault by the faith it takes to give it! Make your donation a point of contact with this prophecy over your life. Every word from heaven and this word today will come to pass and manifests in your life as you engage with it by acts of faith and anticipation.

I want you to go to and sow into this breakthrough word for your situation. Plant a sacrificial seed into what God does next in your life.


Text “PROPHET” to 44321

Turn Your Cellphone into an Instrument of Breakthrough!
Go to and sow into this
breakthrough word for your situation.

Via Paypal -or- Via Square

To Give by Phone:

You may also call our office at 417-593-9802 to make your donation. Ask for our assistant Katie or Georgette, and they will help you. If the lines are busy, leave a voice mail, and we will call you back.

To Give by Mail:
Father’s Heart Ministry
P.O. Box 1915
Branson, Missouri 65615

Remember, every word mixed with faith immediately begins to come to pass. Your donation is your step of faith, believing. When something leaves your hand to God, something leaves His hand to you. There is power in this word to TURN THINGS AROUND for you and move your life in the direction highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.


Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden

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