Advancing in the Prophetic – an Online Class!

Are You Ready to Advance in the Prophetic?

There is an exciting Online Class in Advanced Prophetic Gifting that starts May 23rd. Have you experienced rejection in the prophetic? Have you ever been shut down just when you felt your gifting in God was gaining ground in your life? Are you longing to integrate your gifting in God into the life of the church? Course 3 “Advanced Prophetic Gifting” from Father’s Heart Ministry is the very course that will help you move up in this important gift of God.

“This Course will get you out of the stuck place in advancing in the Prophetic”
Being prophetic – having prophetic tendencies can get you criticized. Many will reject and even try to shut down those who are moving in a gift that they don’t understand. Have you experienced this? In Course 3 of the Online Prophetic School (info below) you will learn how to plug in to the gifting of God and be a viable influence and assistance to those in leadership and every day believers as well.

Visit the Enrollment Page Now!

Course 3 “Advancing in the Prophetic” will help you further discover your gifting in God. You will identify your mandate and know where God wants you to be deployed in the body of Christ. You will learn how to handle rejection and get past the roadblocks of misunderstanding until you are established and flowing freely in the gifts in a loving, accepting environment.
In this online course the time you set aside for doing your lessons is flexible. You will have a downloadable lesson PDF to read, a video to watch and most exciting of all – an opportunity to immediately practice what you learn in a safe, moderated learning environment.

Visit the Enrollment Page Now!

Now is your time to advance in the gift of God in your life. Read on for more information and how you can  enroll. Online lessons begin May 23rd, so act now!

Enroll Below:

You can see then that there is something for everyone in the Father’s Heart Ministry Online Prophetic School. It’s life changing. It’s transformational – and it is your time now to step out and lay hold on your breakthrough in prophetic gifting. Enroll now!

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  • GOD bless you and make his face shine upon you and your family and give you all your heart desires Amen
    From Archbishop Prince Mike Johnson

  • Yes indeed years ago when i first became a Christian the holy spirit would work through me and i would speak it out then i was told not to do it again now Papa is giving me boldness to give my testimony praise God