Activating the Angel of Finance in Your Life!

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Did you know that there is an ANGEL OF FINANCE assigned to your life? Hebrews 1:14 tells us that angels exist to minister to you because you are an heir of salvation. Just as the governments of nations have ministers of finance so there is an Angel of Finance attached to your life. Why is this? Because as Rev. 1:6 and 5:10 declare YOU are a KING! You are a KING and KINGS HAVE KINGDOMS. You have a God-ordained jurisdiction and with that, there are angels assigned to see that you prosper in the jurisdiction God given you to RULE and REIGN in, even your everyday life.


Years ago I saw two angels standing in the church where I pastored with their arms folded. A prophet came in a few weeks later and asked: “why are those two angels standing with their arms folded?” He went on to explain it was because WE HADN’T GIVEN THEM ANYTHING TO DO! Angels must be ACTIVATED. How do you activate the Angel of Finance to go out and bring in your NET BREAKING CATCH? The earlier church taught us that it is by GIVING into the ANOINTING. Acts 4:31-36 testifies to us that the early church was comprised of a people provided for by God, completely out of debt and walking in a level of supply activated by their heart to GIVE INTO THE GLORY.
Today is GIVING DAY. It is your day to GIVE into the GLORY and ACTIVATE the angel who is your MINISTER OF FINANCE to bring the financial breakthrough that you have need of. Click the following link to give into the ACTIVATION of the ANGEL OF GOD in your financial situation: (Don’t forget to scroll down and retrieve your FREE gift, the PDF download “Breaking Stagnation”)


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Father’s Heart Ministry
P.O. Box 1915
Branson, MO 65615

Download This Month’s Free Gift:

Are you in a stuck place? Are the prospects of your life stagnate? Do you need to break out but don’t know how? Listen, you can WALK INTO what others are merely waiting for! This free PDF giveaway for May is “Breaking Stagnation” by Prophet Russ Walden, currently published on Amazon, but our free offering to you today for being a part of Father’s Heart Ministry (click HERE to download).

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