Abiding in the Vine – Ascending in the Glory: A Breakthrough Word

The Father says in this season, My abiding grace is coming upon you and resting on you as the dove rested on the Son, and My voice boomed, “this is My Son in whom I am well pleased!” Enter into that acceptance this day says God. Abide in Me as I abide in you, says the Father. I abide in you through the abiding of the Son and the Spirit of My Son falling from on high to take you up and embrace you – to deliver you out of all your sorrows and troubles. Why save you? I saved you that you might abide in My simplicity. I did not SAVE you FOR suffering; I went to the Cross to save you FROM suffering all those things I carried for you, taking your punishment that you might come boldly and readily into fellowship with Me. Abiding in the vine means to be anchored in Christ and to know that the fullness of the Godhead bodily is in you, around you, and filling you this day with indescribable peace and radiant joy. A peace that cannot be fathomed for depth or apprehended in its dimensions of ceaseless tranquility and unshakeable calm. This is who I AM in you, says the Father, and who you are in Me. As I am in the heavens, so are you on the earth. Believest thou this?

Prophet Russ – I’m Entering into the Limitless of God’s Glory in My Life – Today!

I never created you to be gathered by men but rather to abide in Me. Abide in the Christ-mind, the Christ-heart, and the Christ composure as you recline in Me, in Christ, and know that in your most basic state, you were created and are in the earth called to take on My nature and fellowship with Me and commune with Me as a bride communes with her bridegroom. The peace that you thought was not your portion is not only your portion but is yours NOW. Can you take now for an answer? Peace is yours now. Joy is yours now. One-ness, Divine companionship that never disappoints is yours now – deriving from who I Am as I inhabit your deepest self and deepest mind. Open your heart and your mind, says the Father, and move from that which is finite and limited into that which is infinite, unbounded, and limitless in My glory and My presence!

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