A Special Update from Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden

Screen Shot 2013-07-26 at 12.19.13 PMProphets Russ and Kitty Walden are now at the MID-POINT of the JERICHO DRIVE! The Jericho Drive began last year as a 12 month – 12 city tour of the United States. Our assignment from the Father has been to TEAR DOWN illegitimate authority and preach, teach, and prophesy everywhere we go. Thus far we have been to 9 major cities and 37 cities total. We are praying out and planning what the Father would have us do in the state of Kansas and up through Illinois and into the New England states.
In the coming year our hope is to take the Jericho Drive as per the word of the Father to 12 countries in 12 months. All of this along with the many ministries, counseling, personal prophecy, prophetic internship, etc. that we do every day between our travels and ministry appointments.

The Father told us last year that there would be partners who would support us each month.

This is only our second time to offer partnership through a special update. We thank you for allowing us the honor of washing your feet in the prophetic since 2007. We ask that you ASK the Father and as He directs that you would partner with us in this ongoing work. (see partnership form below).
God bless you!
Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden

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