A Call to Prayer – Are You an Accountable Son or an Unaccountable Son?

In the spiritual realm, there exists a powerful, often overlooked connection: the bond between your prayer life and the ministry of your pastor. This unseen battle, fought on the knees of the faithful, is a commissioning, a shared responsibility with eternal consequences.

A Shared Outcome

Whether you realize it or not, your prayers have a direct impact on your pastor’s success or failure. You share in that outcome. The souls saved or lost, the bodies healed or broken, the lives transformed or stagnated—all these are connected to your prayer life. One day, you will give an account for how you fulfilled your responsibility to pray for your pastor, for the congregation, and for the work of the ministry.

The “Spiritual but Not Religious” Dilemma

The rise of the “Spiritual but Not Religious” movement has left a void in the Body of Christ. Many pastors are left without the crucial prayer cover they desperately need. Jesus Himself warned, “if you don’t ‘gather’ with me, you are none of mine.” The word “gather” is the same word from which we get “synagogue.”

In the early church, those who separated themselves came to nothing or worse. Yet, those who stayed connected, even within a flawed system that ultimately crucified Jesus, were used by God to bring about the greatest victory in history: the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.

A Failed Experiment

The SBNR movement, like the “teaching center” trend of the 1970s, is a failed experiment. God is calling His people back to the Church, back to gathering together, back to PURE RELIGION. The days of “not religious” are over. A new season of accountability has dawned.

Accountability: The Defining Question

The defining question of this season is: Are you an accountable son or an unaccountable son? Your choices, your commitment to prayer, your involvement in the local church—these will reveal the answer.

A Call to Action

Let this message tear down the strongholds of apathy and independence. Let it rebuild the foundations of commitment, connection, and accountability.

Conclusion: A Five-Part Call to Action

  1. Recognize your responsibility: Acknowledge your role in the spiritual battle and the impact of your prayers on your pastor’s ministry.
  2. Commit to prayer: Dedicate time each day to intercede for your pastor, the congregation, and the lost.
  3. Re-engage with the local church: Find a Bible-believing church and actively participate in its life and ministry.
  4. Embrace accountability: Submit to godly leadership and allow others to speak into your life.
  5. Share this message: Spread the word about the importance of prayer and the need for accountability in the Body of Christ.

The time has come to choose. Will you answer the call to accountability? Will you stand in the gap and pray for your pastor? The fate of souls hangs in the balance.


  • Your prayers matter.
  • You share in the outcome of your pastor’s ministry.
  • The SBNR movement is a failed experiment.
  • God is calling His people back to the Church.
  • The days of “not religious” are over.
  • A new season of accountability has come.
  • Are you an accountable son or an unaccountable son?
  • Your choices will reveal the answer.

Let this word tear down and rebuild in you all that needs to be torn down and rebuilt. Selah.

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