Prophetic Word: "You are Moving From Authority to Authorization"

Sometimes Stepping Beyond the Norm – Brings Your Breakthrough! 

Click above for Prophetic Word (Video)

This is Prophet Russ Walden. The image at left is a link to a prophetic word that the Father gave me in a very unusual way. On Tuesday of this week, I was going about my day (very busy as usual). There were as always many people asking for a prophetic word, or a dream interpretation, and the phone prophetic counseling load has been heavier than usual as well. I stepped out of my office to speak to someone and as I passed our video studio the Father dropped a word on Me with great intensity. That word is linked to under the image at right or the link above.

I dropped everything I was doing and secluded myself in the studio and turned on the cameras. The prophetic word churning in my belly began to bubble up and flow forth with force and anointing different than what I’ve usually experienced. This word is a word for you. It is a word of increased favor. It is a word of moving from AUTHORITY to AUTHORIZATION. It is a PROCEEDING WORD that will take you to the ground where your BREAKTHROUGH WILL BECOME A REALITY.
The word is special for you today because God altered our schedule and shattered our normal pace of operations to make room for getting this to you. It is that urgent and it is for you – for your blessing and for your breakthrough.

After you let this word wash over you – return to this page and GIVE INTO THE ANOINTING. 

Giving into the anointing is how Kitty and I moved from HOMELESSNESS to leading a ministry that has reached over 4 Million people. 10’s of thousands a day interact with us in some way and OUR VISION and OUR PASSION is to see YOU get YOUR VERSION of OUR BREAKTHROUGH. Sowing into the anointing is a big part of that happening.

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Katie will be there to securely accept your donation. The number is 417.544.1298.

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Father’s Heart Ministry

P.O. Box 1915

Branson, Missouri 65615

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Don’t forget the following:

1.  Share FHM with those you love and know will be blessed by the Daily Prophetic Word and the other things we do. How do you do that? By forwarding this e-mail to a friend and telling them about the Daily Word:

Orange Stripes

2.  On our live, morning bible study (link) we call Friday “Giving Day”. It is a day that we say a BIG THANK YOU to those of you that give and support FHM! We also invite you to render up in the name of the Lord the gift that God would speak to you to give today (our free gift to you is a 22 part video series on the book of Revelation HERE).

Read On: 

Who is the prophet in your life? We seldom if ever mention giving opportunities but Friday is the day that we thank our partners and supporters for making what we do possible. Do you appreciate the Daily Prophetic Word? Have Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden been a blessing to you this year? When you give into an anointing you set the preamble for what happens next in your life. Sometimes you give into a need and sometimes you give into an anointing. When you give into an anointing you are giving into your future. We invite you to honor Russ and Kitty as prophets – a momma and poppa in your life by giving into the ministry using the following link: (Thank you!!!).

Prophetic Counseling       

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