The Father Says Today: September 7th, 2012

The Father says today I am restoring your soul. I am reaching back into your past to unchain you from the emotional conflicts of past hurts and disappointments. You will no longer live in your past. I am bringing you fully into your NOW for I am a NOW God.
Fill up those hollow places in your past with the excellency and the knowledge you have gained in your walk with Me. The voids of hurt and disappointment are being remediated and assuaged by My comforting hand. Forget those things that are behind you and focus on the things that are ahead.

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Other Comments

  • Lord Jesus, Thank you for today’s Prophetic word. Please Lord help me to put my past behind
    press on to the rewarding future you have for me.
    Give me the strength to forget the ugly things of past tense and walk into my season of
    present tense. All my hurt, discouragements, shame, loss, neglect, and all I’ve done
    displeasing in your sight, I NOW SURRENDER IN THE SEA OF FORGETFULNESS . . . .THE PAST!

  • Katherine says:

    When you get knocked down so low then even bad begins to look good because you are so desperate that you no longer can trust your own judgment. I think his is why people end up settling for something less than God’s best because they get caught up in the process more than the PROMISE……Google “God’s Promises”….ask the Holy Spirit to Highlight whats specifically for you right now….if you can, write out these scriptures….stick it in your purse….everytime you have a minute…look, absorb and thank God because this promise CANNOT be broken….Big squishy Hug to you sweetie!!!.

    • thanks! That’s axactly what happened, I got caught in the process more than the promise… I was so desperate I tried to solve things by my-self, I tried to “help” God and messed it all up 🙁 I’ll google Dod’s promises 🙂

  • I messed it all up and there are consequences, I know You have forgiven me, but don’t know how to forgive my self… I wish there were a way to skip consequences… Father, please hold onto you plan for my life, please make it happen, I know your ways are better than mine…..