The Father Says Today: April 12th, 2023

The Father says today come up higher. Come up to the place of communion with Me. Come up to the place of intimacy with Me. Come up to the place of fellowship with Me. Come up to the place of fullness in Me. You have been called out of darkness into My marvelous light. You have been called to be a light in a world that is dark and lost. You have been called to be salt that brings flavor to a bland and tasteless world. You have been called to be a witness of My love and My goodness. So come up higher, says the Father. Come up to the place of authority in Me. Come up to the place of dominion in Me. Come up to the place of power in Me. For I have given you all authority in heaven and on earth. I have given you the keys to the kingdom. Use them, says the Father. Use them to unlock the doors of blessing and provision. Use them to unlock the doors of healing and restoration. Use them to unlock the doors of salvation and deliverance.

You are My representatives in the earth. You are My ambassadors of reconciliation. You are My hands and My feet. You are My voice. So come up higher, says the Father. Come up to the place of destiny in Me. Come up to the place of purpose in Me. Come up to the place of fulfillment in Me. For I have a plan and a purpose for your life. I have a destiny that is waiting for you to fulfill. I have a calling that is waiting for you to answer. So come up higher, says the Father. Come up and fulfill your destiny in Me.

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