300+ Souls Responded to Come to Jesus!

Evangelism Initiative Update: As of this morning the Evangelism Initiative we launched 2 months ago has had 300 responses! 199 people have accepted Jesus as their savior and the balance of those responding rededicated their lives to Christ. The Father laid on our hearts to do in evangelism what we have done in advocating for the prophetic online. The internet truly is a NET that can see souls come to Christ and this effort is the evidence of it.
In a recent poll 70% of Christian leaders responding stated that they did NOT  believe that a sincere spiritual response or experience could be facilitated through the internet. For us here at FHM we are on the contrary inspired and enthused by the responses of 100’s around the world that are being MET where they are about brought to the side of Christ. You can visit our Evangelism Initiative site by clicking HERE. 
What happens after a response is made? When the commitment is made we follow up sending each person access to Mediachurch.net, e-Church on FB, prayer request links, and a 52 week basic bible study. We also prophesy over each person through our online prophetic school. BE IN PRAYER for us as we press in to this initiative to do in evangelism what we have done in the prophetic. Many churches go for months with few if any conversions to Christ. Even larger ministries make major announcments to see this many salvations. What is a soul worth? Is a commitment to Christ initiated over the internet viable or no? We believe that it is. Again thank you for your prayers. To see the EI website here is the link: www.newexpectations.net

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