100 Days of Healing, Day 1

Healing evangelist T.L. Osborne ministered in miracles and healing in 70 countries around the world during his life. He published a small booklet titled “100 Healing Facts.” This series of posts titled “100 Days of Healing” is inspired by Osborne’s miracle message. For the next 100 posts beginning one a day, the message of healing will soak into you and challenge your faith to believe for divine health and unmitigated miracles in your life. In the course of my ministry as well, I’ve seen many healed, terminal diseases miraculously disappear and twice saw dead people raised to life. Be encouraged through this series that Jesus IS your HEALER!

Healing Reality Number 1:

There is nothing good about sickness or disease! God is a good God and nothing about disease, illness or death are good at all! Gen. 1:31 declares that God made all things (including you) and said, “it is good.” That means it is no more natural to be sick than it is natural to sin. We were not created to sin; neither were we created to be sick. God wants you well. God wants you walking in divine health! God has no plans for you to be sick any more than he has plans for you to sin because he has made a provision for both. Just as he forgives a sin in the soul, he heals sickness in the body by the power of the blood of Jesus. Wrap your faith around that today!

*Inspired by TL Osborne’s booklet “100 Healing Facts.”

Click Here for access to other Days of Healing messages

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  • Janis Shields says:

    Praise God I have always been told I am an unusually healthy specimen by my doctor’s. I choose not to be sick because I don’t like to be sick and now I Agree 💯 that God does not want me sick. His plans are for me for a future and for health. Thank you Jesus praying for our Brothers and Sisters to enjoy the fullness of God’s grace mercy and great favor. God bless us everyone 🙏💕🌎


    Glory!!! It is good. All is well with me, my mind is sound, my body is strong. Every emotional, physical, spiritual and financial challenge are bowing to His word in my mouth…Alleluia!!!