The Father says today come unto Me beloved. Bring every one of your burdens and cares and concerns. I have no recriminations for you. There are no spiritual gymnastics necessary. Just come. Come to Me and know that moment when you are in My embrace. That is the moment that My mercy and My lovingkindness will reached down and kiss your face and heal your heart. There is nothing further to do but to come to Me. I know that things are broken. Mistakes have been made. Darkness has encroached and at times temptation has plowed you under in total failure. I see it all says the Father and I wash you. I wash you with My love. I cover you with the shed blood of Calvary. I cleanse and renew and accept you – as you are, running to My outstretched arms.
I am enlarging the footprint of My mercy in your life. You are forgiven. It’s who I AM and it’s what I DO. I see your tears. I see the anger and the frustration. Come to Me. Run to Me. Trade in all the angst and turmoil and upheaval in your life and your heart. Find your rest in Me. I will wipe away every tear. At the end of the day I will turn your tear streaked face to the circumstances and situations around you and guess what? Transformation has come. Renewal is in process. Those threats that loomed so large over you that brought the shadow of despair? They have vanished as a figment and been replaced with the full measure of My goodness. You are My beloved and THIS is your portion by My hand.
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Kelly Smith says:
Happy Mothers Day Papa!!!!! For being Mom AND DAD on Earth, to me.
Mooney McLean says:
Pier D'Elia says:
Amen thank you Father thank you Jesus !!!
Piper Henry says:
Amen.. Thank you Lord Jesus.. The word of the is right in time for my season.. I receive this in my heart
Michelle Atala says:
Amen.. I so needed to hear this today
Pamela Brunson Sieber says:
I believe, I receive and Amen!
Thando Blessed Ngwata says:
Thanks Amen
Solly Mayala Gumede says:
Amen i accept it