The Father Says Today: April 11th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that I am tasking you to the entitlement of a son. I call you My beloved for you are the object of My favor and the target of My blessing. Press into the heart of a servant and I will bestow upon you the favor of a son. Consider not the entitlements of sonship to be a thing to be grasped or grappled for. The price has been paid. You do not aspire to sonship you are born to be a son. I have given you power to become so let the becoming commence! Take upon yourself the willingness to serve. Be willing to be bendable, sendable and spendable. Be malleable as clay in My hand and I will form and fashion you into a vessel of honor.
You are not a vessel of lesser honor says the Father. I have a plan and a purpose that I am inducting you into. Yield to My hand as I fire you in the kiln of My character. Allow Me to bring you through the crucible of My perfection so that all the dross and tin is taken away and you are left as pure silver and pure gold. I will set you before nobles and potentates says the Father. You are not a cast off or a throw away vessel. Others may have rejected you but know that you are accepted in Me today. Flow into that acceptance and with all your heart desire and seek My approval. When acceptance and approval kiss – when they come together in you that is what breakthrough will look like and feel like says your God.

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