The Fathers Says Today: January 28th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that I will not be contained or corralled therefore you will not be contained or corralled. The character of My Spirit is that of liberty and where My Spirit is within you is liberation, liberty, freedom and fullness. I am manifesting in you this day the rejoicing the liberty and freedom brings. Liberty to breath deep and smile broadly. Liberty to release and liberty to mount up with wings as eagles above the restriction and heaviness of natural things that you might make your way aloft to that place prepared by Me where you are SEATED and empowered to rule and reign in life.
Death is not necessary to rule and reign says the Father. Ruling and reigning begins now in you and through you. Ruling and reigning is your portion now to touch every aspect of your life. Despair not. Despair not for I am bringing a wave of healing over you to mend and renew and restore. I am restoring your strength today says the Father. I am bringing you up out of the pollutions of this world and purifying you even purifying your natural body to receive of My glory and demonstrate My fullness. I am your physician and your healer. Sickness and disease – DIS-EASE shall have no part or portion of your life, spirit, soul or body. Receive of My fullness says the Father for My spirit of liberty is release upon you this day!

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