The Father says today that old relationships are now ended. You prayed and you sought and you cajoled and reached out to no avail. Let go. Move on. Your heart investments are in My kingdom and My purposes and not the broken and fractured relationships of the past. Forgive. Release. Bless. Move on. There will be a day that reckoning will take place but it is not the day before you now. Turn aside from the house of mourning and step out into a new path of rejoicing and light.
You think I write in stone but I do not says the Father. I write in sand. Things change and people change and My plans for you change in accordance to the yieldeness of those involved. It is not good to be alone yet there are times that going forward to greater things in the kingdom requires a solitary choice. I will not leave you. I will never forsake you. You will know the fraternity of the faithful again but for now know that this is the day to shake off the past and release those connections to Me, trusting Me to settle every heart account and keep you safe in the midst of transition.
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janet ooi chye says:
Thank you very much.. thank you. Your prophecy is spot on.. and very accurate.. Thank you for all the blessings..
Haydn says:
Marlene says:
Wow and wow again, I am so ready for my Destiny…..God Bless you two people….im so grateful that He looks at the heart of man.