The Father Says Today: March 4th, 2014

The Father says today that I partook of the cup so you could partake of My table. You are in the land where My blessing will find you. Do not allow yourself to always look to some distant situation for My blessing. You do not need to pursue My blessings because My blessings are pursuing you. My blessings are pursuing and will overtake you and come upon you. I will ambush you with My goodness and surprise you with My blessing. Great will be your joy and your laugher and yes even your relief says the Father. I will relieve you of your burdens and cause stress to flow away from you and give you rest.
Fear not the enemy that makes his presence known for there is a table I have prepared for you. Do you understand what I have done for you? I drank the CUP so you could partake of My TABLE. I have a table for you laden with every good thing. I do not taunt neither do I make false promises. Put aside the pessimism of unbelief and the sarcasm of despair for they will not serve you in what I am purposing to do in your life today. Expect the unexpected. Look for My suddenlies. Know that this is your time and your hour. You blessing time has come and everything changes even this day in your favor.
What Others are Saying:
I found your site 8 days ago. It has given me the courage to keep believing even in the midst of being homeless my 3 children, bless you.

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  • Tracey says:

    Thank you.
    There is a song we sing that is in my spirit,”Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord. Thank you lord. I just want to Thank you Lord.. I am Blessed by this word on March 4. It is as you are sitting in my home and seeing all that I am going through. Somehow the Spirit of the Lord gives you a spiritual antenna to tune right in on my situation.The bible says to give honor to whom all honor is due. I could never address you by your first names because you are truly walking in the office of a PROPHET AND APOSTALIC MINISTRY.Prophet and Prohetess Walden,the anointing on your lives is so keen and so just on point it is exuberating. I can’t wait until the next day to see if there is a word from the Lord. The prophetic voice is missing in the church today. I believe it is because many do not want to hear the truth and be exposed.God said and you shall know the truth and by knowing this truth it makes us free. Everytime I read what the Lord has spoken,I am getting delivered,healed and set free. I did not have groceries. The government is cutting so many things. I am walking by faith daily.My home health assistant tokk me to the store and bought me $191 worth of groceries. She let me get what I wanted. This was a suddenly.I was not expecting this because I just met her. I am having difficulty with a situation in my health insurance. God gave me favor today and the Policy reflects in my favor.The doctor is trying to deny me but the insurance company is fighting for me. I have lost 147 pounds. My healthis getiing stronger and better.You must not get discouraged because this ministry is truly from the “Fathers Heart” God is just good and he is good all the time inspite of what we are going through. God already fixed it in the future. We need recognize that when he partook of the cup he had us in mind.This ministry is always a blessing to me. I do not have a lot to give yet but I pray for you and your family.I have never ever in my 46 years of living experienced a prophet that is so in tuned with the Lord. You are walking in the divine flow of God. God so honors and esteems you Prophet walden. The Lord God is so pleased with both of you. You are the essence of Gods heart. The anointing on your lives is the pulse of God. The divine pulse of God that flows so deeply and we get to partake of that.It is spirit calling unto spirit,flesh calling unto flesh and the deep calling unto deep. The heighth and the width and depth of the word is like a two edged sword cutting down to the marrow in my life.Please continue to allow God to use you. Apostalic ministry is just waiting to beam out of your lives like never before and I can’t wait.. MAY THE LORD BLESS YOU AND MAKE YOU 1000 MORE THAN WHAT YOU ARE TODAY.The Father’s heart ministry is going places and doing things in 2014. Praise God!!!!!! God Bless You and your Family.Thank you Father God for Blessing this ministry. I know that it is you speaking through this man and woman of God.

  • Lo
    Lord, I decree declare believe and receive this prophetic word of March 4ht, 2014 with
    my whole heart. Thank you Lord, you know that I have long waited and I am trusting you
    to release ALL of my inheritance and all else that this word says in Jesus name.
    The enemy is and has been forever attacking my blessings. Lord I am SO GRATEFUL that today
    your word has come forth in full power. For all you have done lord, and will continue to
    do in my lifem my husband’s life and the lives of our 2 children, I say thank you.
    I am going to be greatly blessed so as to be a blessing to so many others. Praise the Lord!

  • Bettie Morgan-Coffey says:

    T Thank you Lord for this amazing prophecy today. You woke me up whispeing sweet things in my ear this morning. I believe it was this message. My heart is deeply touched! I know you are working in all and through all to produce perfect results in Jesus’ name..amen.

  • I really receive the blessings and favor of God and I expect God to Show up and Show out! I pray God overtake the Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden with life, protection, prosperity and favor! In the Mighty name of Jesus! Hallelujah!