The Father Says Today: March 3rd, 2014

Russ-03-02-2014The Father says today that I place the solitary in families. There are times that you will walk a solitary path but that will never be the long term character of your sojourn. There is brotherhood and community for you in the midst of a people who I will cause to know you and understand you. I will bring you to a people in whose midst you will find camaraderie and healing from past hurts. You will be able to be yourself and not feel as though you have to put on airs just to be in their presence. I will heal you of those experiences of rejection from times past and cause you to know peace and rest in the midst of a loving and supportive spiritual family.
So be willing to risk says the Father and be willing to give of yourself in a new setting. There will be others that will come and ask your forgiveness for things gone by when strife and contention held sway. There is oil that only flows in unity and I have determined in My sovereignty that this will be an anointing that you will experience. So shake yourself and have courage. Get up, get out and seek the ranks of My faithful ones for there you will find your place and will be accepted and find opportunity to serve in a new way that will gratify you and satisfy the heart of love I have given you.
What Others are Saying:
I love the words i receive each day from you. It encourages me and helps me a lot. Thank you so much for bringing the Father’s Heart closer to mine. God bless and keep you both.

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  • What a word, sometimes nothing to me feels worst than rejection. I have experienced this for
    years. This word today is a blessing from the Lord Jesus. Thank you for this word. I receive
    decree declare and believe with all my heart.
    This weekend, I felt so very uncomfortable in a setting. When you have a discerning spirit
    it is easy to detect that you are being talked about of that there is envious spirits in the
    atmosphere. Which is exactly what I sensed. I felt so very bad. Simply, I know God is
    speaking clearly to me in this word, because I have always been rejected. Lord, forgive them
    for they know not what they have done.

  • Harvey says:

    Russ, your reading my mail!!!
    I know He was talking about me, when He gave you this word.
    Thank You, Jesus, first, and you, Russ, for being a faithful servant.

  • This word encouraged my heart in a time when needed it most . I am an only child and now know what church God wants me to serve in. I am no longer an only child and feel so accepted in this place. I had been hurt in the past and had become very resistant to going to any one church, so this is really big for me . I am so excited about my brothers and sisters in the Lord. It is a new day and a loving gift from our Father that I recieve with joy and thanksgiving.

  • Tracey Dingus says:

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow. I thank God for the word on March 3,2014. This is a right now ,on time word from God. I have been sitting and thinking,God I feel so alone.The people in my church seem to have rejected me. Lord I need you. I need to draw nearer to you. You said you would never leave me or forsake me. I don’t understand my life. Many times God will cause you to walk alone so that he can do in you what needs to be done no other way. I found myself saying though he slay me yet will I trust in you Oh Lord. For you are my redeemer. The lifter of my head during these times.I have been sitting here crying and asking the Lord so many questions.Nevertheless,not my will but Gods will be done. Every word that has come forth has been the breath,the ruah of God and breathed life into me helping me to go on just one more day. God heard me. He answered me through you Prophet Russ. I thank God for you. Your voice is the voice crying out in the midst of darkness. Deep calling unto deep. I hear you.Thank you for your obedience unto God.May the Lord richly bless you and your family and multiply you 1000 fold and make 1000 times more.

  • jennifer says:

    l found your site 8 days ago + it has given me the courage to keep believing even in the midst of being homeless my 3 children + l, bless you

  • Faith Evans says:

    Wow. I so needed to hear this word today. I’ve walked alone for over 45 years and have been rejected by most churches due to me leading a messianic lifestyle. I actually cried yesterday, which is very unusual, being English. I left church over 5 years ago due to the constant criticism of me keeping the Levitical Feasts and Shabbat. I actually went to a church last Sunday, to see if any of the churches had learned to love, only to be rebuked by the Pastor for not being part of a church for the last 5 years. I had decided not to try again, but reading this word think I should. Surely there must be one place on this planet who will accept me for what I am? Please LORD guide my path to that place. Amen.