The Father Says Today: March 31st, 2014

The Father says today as you give Me some cooperation and I will give you to the change and shift you have longed for. Change isn’t change until it is change. Change says the Father isn’t HARMFUL change is beneficial. Continue to simply WORK WITH ME I will walk you through the changes and cause you to shift and SEE shift both outwardly and inwardly as well.
At times you may have looked in the mirror and despised what you see. Don’t do that says the Father. I love you JUST the way you are. I will give you grace and I will give you the anointing that brings transformation. Work with Me says the Father. You’ve worked with those who simply took from you and blamed you for failure. Don’t do that. Work with Me and listen to Me daily and I will bring you to the outcome you haven’t dared hope for.
What Others are Saying:
I thank you for allowing God to use you to speak into people’s life. In this day and time we need bold pastors and preacher etc… that are not afraid to speak what God has given them to say to his people.
Guest Prophetic Word from Derrick Frasier:

The Father says today precious in My sight is the death of My saints. For you are crucified with Christ; nevertheless, you live; yet not your carnal nature, but Christ lives in you! So activate the divine nature within you with My precious promises! Awaken to righteousness this day! Awaken to oneness this day! Awaken to common union with Me this day! For you are joined to Me and you are one Spirit with Me. For I have taken down the dividing wall and I dwell not in temples made with hands! So die to the concept of separation, for you are the temple of God, and greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
This is your season to wake up, says the Father! For Christ in you is your hope of glory, and in Him you live, move, and have your being! So go forth this day and manifest My Kingdom and My Power and My Glory, for it is yours to possess, and it is yours to manifest! Heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead! Freely you have received, so freely give! GO! says the Father! For I AM with you, and I am working with you, and I will confirm your words with signs following!

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  • Judith Dodson says:

    God Bless you my brother for our Fathers words of life that you so freely give to those who does not have…but through His Divine Words of truth, Yehshua Our LORD JESUS , HOLY SPIRIT has encouraged me and has increased my trust and faith enough to know and believe…that it is indeed His voice that speaks through you , for I am growing stronger in faith so much that I have spoken to the mountain that has stood in my way for a very long time….to MOVE…. and I KNOW that soon I will be able to send you a love offering that comes from a grateful heart for the times when you remained faithful EVERYDAY to pour forth living , wholesome, words from our Father ….As they kept coming, and coming day after day , I Praise our Father for raising you and Kitty up for such a time as we are in now…..Thank You so much !