The Father Says Today: March 30th, 2014

DSC05234The Father says today when I touched Jacob’s thigh he limped from that day forward. He limped yes but He DID get to have his name changed. He became the PRINCE THAT PREVAILS. The covenant that changed Jacob’s name and changed his walk is also the covenant that sits upon you like a refiner’s fire and fuller’s soap. I am working change in you says the Father. There is a wrestling as Jacob wrestled till break of day but the outcome was breakthrough, blessing and transformation!
You and I will fight the good fight of faith together says the Father. I will lend My sinew and My strength to your struggle. I will give you grace to be malleable,  amenable and yielded to My will. So relax says the Father. I will not hurt you. I will not harm you. I will change you and I am now changing you. Great will be your rejoicing in the days to come as you begin to comprehend the full scope of My goodness that is working itself out in your life even now.
What Others Are Saying:
WHAT A BREAKTHROUGH MESSAGE FOR ME! AM JUST AMAZED at how the Lord is using you Prophet Russ. This PROPHECY was straight from the heart of God for me. He is my witness of how concerned I was over a statement someone said about me. Truly the Lord let us know that we are VICTORIOUS over all of these circumstances and situations. I SLEPT better last night than I ever had in a long time and woke up refreshed, renewed and restored. Thank you for allowing the HOLY SPIRIT to express THE FATHER’S LOVE and CARE for us on a daily basis FAITHFUL PROPHET RUSS!! THE ENEMY WILL SEE HOW MUCH OUR FATHER LOVES US AND WILL BOW HIS HEAD IN SHAME IN JESUS’ NAME..AMEN!!
Guest Prophetic Word from Paul Newell:
The Father says today that there is no mystery to success. It is to be found in Me. Everything I do has success written across it. You are My family and success inevitably attaches to you. I want you to learn how to cooperate in it. In every situation My desire is that you look to Me, draw upon Me and use Me. I am the most effective resource you have. When you think about it I am the ONLY resource you have. I am your source for everything. Never doubt my willingness nor ability to be creative in your life. I am able to do it. Whatever you can conceive I can do.
I am taking you to new ground. We are climbing together. The ascent is not as difficult as you think. I do want you to learn as we go higher. I am looking for mature, capable people to reign in My Kingdom. I really mean that. You are heirs of My body and I want the family to look after My affairs. Does this surprise you? It shouldn’t. I have faith in Myself and you are part of Me. Never forget that. You are part of Me and I am part of you. We are in union. Walk tall for you are loved by Me and no one is capable of taking that from you. Loved by Me, created by Me and in union with Me. You are mighty as I am mighty. Rejoice in the truth of that.

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  • just stumbled on this website and i read a scripture word that was meant for me amen glory to god can someone from this ministry email me Blessed be god forever

  • I Bless the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY for his word through his Prophets Russel and Kitty. I pray a Wall of Fire from his throne around this ministry and I pray that soon I will be sowing the Biggest seed into this ministry that they have Ever received!